Beware the poison tooth....

Sep 02, 2008 20:58

Guess who's teething finally?  The little right one has finally poked through and her sleeping hasn't gotten any better - which means mine isn't either.  Baylee I haven't tried the necklace yet, it got misplaced but I think I might know where it is and will try it soon.

Oh... and she's also standing by herself without pulling herself up on anything.  Bets on walking by 9 months (the 18th)?  Though she won't do it when I've got the camera out.  She first did it in Parent/Baby class last Thursday - I think she just wanted an audience and to be a bad influence on the other babies.  Her Grandma Mary will be out from ND on Saturday for 2 weeks - she hasn't seen Caylee since New Years; and Mark has those 2 weeks off due to a new job and the old one saying "oh you're giving your 2 weeks?  Well then here's your 2 weeks of vacation you had, effective now".  Kinda good though, so he can hang with his mom and daughter and I can go to work extra.  AND we're attempting a Garage Sale this weekend -
Friday from 10-2 and Saturday from 9-3.  Some of the bulky baby stuff Caylee's outgrown takes up too much room and I also have FABRIC I NEED TO PARE DOWN!  And clothes, and costumes for Halloween.  So ya, come buy stuff or visit.

Hopefully I can get more consistant with updating LJ, but life seems too busy!

baby, life

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