thanksgiving for 2010 ♥

Dec 31, 2010 04:13

This afternoon, I caught up with The Ex and it was way better than I expected. I'm glad we managed to sort things out and put things back on the right track before the year ends. And it's comforting to know that I can always treat him like a friend that I wanna tell things to/go to advice for (and v-v too), although our friendship will never be the same again. I walked away from that lunch date a much happier, stronger, positive and liberated person. 
And then I spent some time alone walking around town, shopping for gifts for people dearest to me (and later gave out the presents I bought for my friends on my trips), and then sat down at some obscure corner in a busy mall to think. It was awesome and extremely liberating sitting down alone and blocking out the hustle and bustle of the world around me, and just taking stock of the year gone by. 
And I wound off the day by having a catch up dinner with my best guy friends in NUS over YTF. Honestly, I'm like a BRO to all of them, and as much as I hate being the only girl around and being labelled a "BRO", I really don't know what to do without them in school. Who will I turn to when I need to bitch/rant/complain? And we finally managed to catch Sir Cai, whom after everytime I meet him, I get this momentary bout of sadness because I really miss him being around in school. (For me, and all those times that he went on smoke breaks and we would htht while he puffed away.)

So, because of today (and it being the last day of the year), I got extremely introspective and pensive.. and then emo nemo because I really love ALL my friends and family. And because of that, I thought it would be nice to thank each and every one whom impacted my life in some way or another, and made 2010 the year that it was. Sucky and full of shit it may have been, but if not for you people, 2010 might have been even worse, or completely boring. ♥

To Kwek: You were the most important person/biggest thing that happened to me in 2010 in more ways than one. Thank you for teaching me how to love, for loving me in your own spectacular fashion, and for giving me some of the best memories in my lifetime. Although we didn't work out and have a fairytale happy ending, I learnt how not to regret things that once made me smile. And I learnt alot from our relationship, failed or not. Right now, I'm very thankful for tonight when we just put everything out on the table, talked about them in the most brutally honest way ever, and we're finally cool. You know that I'll always be here for you, and I'll still love you although I'm no longer in love with you :) Friends forever! (Lame -.- HAHA)

To my best girlfriends in this whole wide world (Jac, Jer, Kehui, Melody, Woon): Thank you for being my solid group of girlfriends that magically make everything okay, and for being the ones who make me laugh, let me bitch at (and bitch at me too), rant and complain to, and most importantly, make me feel loved whenever I feel like no one loves me. I'm very glad the 6 of us grew tighter over the years (especially after leaving RJ!), and till today, I remain thankful for the core group of girlfriends that I would never be able to find otherwise. To each of you who impacted me in your own way, I love you! ♥

To Jac and Selene (SSS -.-): In tough situations, we find friends and together we ride the whole shit out ^^ I'm glad I wasn't alone when I was dealing with the breakup (not that I'm saying I'm glad you 2 broke up too :/), because it made EVERYTHING a whole lot easier. Thank you for hearing me rant at random moments of the day, for bitching, for breaking down, for being negative, and for being a total bitch about things when I was. I'm glad we grew so much closer these few months, and WE CANNOT DRIFT APART!!! Okay?! Okay :)

To Claire: You're the best/closest/(maybe only?! Omg sad.) girlfriend I have in NUS, and like I've said a million times before, I don't know what i'll do if I didn't have a single girlfriend in school! It's pretty amazing how we hit it off so well as Hong Ens, and became really tight ever since. Thank you for being there whenever I needed you (even when I don't need you! HAHA), and just being someone I'll turn to and tell all my stuff to. Because I know you won't judge me, you would understand and just listen when the only person who can help me was myself. Here's to riding out the last few sems in school together! ♥

To Dezhi: Thank you for being my best BFGBFF in school. Said it before like 187825 times this whole year - will seriously DIE without you in school. So maybe I'll die next sem, but your kid BFF here has grown up and she'll take care of herself! (I think.) Go have the time of your life in Netherlands and may we be as tight as always! Like I said, no one (okay got la but for dramatic effect must say this) understands me better than you do. BEST FRIENDS FOREVER - literally!

To the guys in school (Indian, Mundmund, Alan, Zilun, Ben, Cam, Baldwin, Chuntong (you're a bro too I think HEHE)): I know I'm a BRO and you all always bully/laugh at me, BUT I know you guys are totally dependable and I can count on. Esp at Rag! And the whole year and a half when we were literally in school every day of the week doing club stuff. 23rd MC (and friends) brought us together and we stuck it out when all the shit was literally thrown in our faces and we had to fight fire almost every other damned day. Thanks guys for making my first year, and the rest to come, so fucking awesome! More YTF dinners, Kbox outings, makan and more nonsense k! :D

To Eug: Thank you for being the best boss I could ever ask for (not like I would have known otherwise right HAHAHA), although most of the time you're just an annoying bitch who's asking for a slap from me. But other times, you're awesome to fight with (because you get outtalked by me ALL the time), and you're awesome because we can tell each other embarrassing things (like listening to ahpek songs and LOVING them -.-) and laugh at each other every single time. You're my best hairy friend! :D

To Cand: SEVEN fucking years already, and we're still the bestest of friends. ♥ Yes, we might not know things about each other at the next instant (because I hardly see you omg), but you still "get me like how the dog gets his bone" (whatever dog-bone nonsense you told me that time). And because I can still tell you every single damn thing in this world no matter how long we haven't seen each other, and no matter how we've both changed, you are STILL my bestfriend, and my maid-of-honour/chief bridesmaid at my wedding in erm, a few years' time! HAHA I love you to the moon and back forever and fucking ever!

To Haiying: I love you, 'nuff said! Super thankful for you being in school, although you're MIA half the time, especially now even more so! TSK! But okay, it's fine I completely understand :) Thanks for all these years, especially at the most trying of times, like when I call you and burst into tears some time this year without even saying a word and you just knew what was happening to me. For everything, I love you :)

To Clement: Thank you for being my extremely 'elderly' friend, whom I've had the honour of getting much closer to because of our work relationship, which later translated to a proper kind of FRIENDship aside from work when I stopped being the annoying Hon Gen who troubles you incessantly :/ Thanks for the countless times where you just sat there and dished out advice and insights to help me see things in a different light, and for being a part in sorting out my messed up mind (esp during that time). I hope I will be able to share your beliefs wrt God in time to come. Slowly! :)

To Kenneth: Thank you for always being nice and giving me a lift to AND from school! You're seriously the best thing that happened to me (and Claire!) in NUS! :D

To Gavan: BITCH! For being there to take care of me, even when I'm perfectly fine. For just dropping everything you were doing to come find me in the middle of the fucking East at fucking 2am, the moment I called you to tell you I just broke up with him. (And then for entertaining every single one of my requests like ICE-CREAM from no-idea-where, and then sitting at my house playground with me just watching me cry my fucking soul out.) And for all the EVERY SINGLE TIME you would fly to my rescue as long as I said I needed someone. What would I do without you, literally? :( And I'm really very glad that no matter how much we fight with each other, we know we've reached that stage of our friendship where NOTHING big enough can break us up. Love you! ♥

To Weixin: Glad we got closer!!! Thank you for your room, for looking out for me, for being there to listen when I needed to &%^&$%^#@, for being a moral support, and yes! ANOTHER GIRLFRIEND IN NUS! :D Can't wait to meet you and CB Wang for dinner on Monday!

To Serxing: Thanks for ALWAYS looking out for me! You're always there to listen to me rant or bitch or just emo, and you understand what's happening. And you're never far when I need someone to just listen - thanks for always making the effort to show me love! Just remember I love you as much as you love me too! REALLY! :D

To Jon: No doubt, we have definitely drifted apart over these 2 years, sometimes on, sometimes off. A HELL lot of things have happened to our friendship, some good some bad, but of which NONE that I regret. To date, I still look to you for advice (and no idea why, but I still listen to you, because I trust that you mean nothing but well for me, but some people don't). So thanks for all the moments we shared, and BE happy okay!! Friends forever, this one's for real :)

P.S. I might have just created my 21st guest list HAHAHA. Kidding la! Still so far away, crazy.

pause, for keeps, friends, starry-eyed

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