Since it's 2.20am in the morning and I'm a chronic insomniac, I shall attempt to recount my past (busy) week for posterity's sake. I mean, that's what a blog is for.
(OMG I CANNOT REMEMBER ANYTHING!! My mind is actually blank this feels like taking an exam I didn't study for zzzz.
Okay I'm so pathetic that I went to take my schedule book to refer. FML.)
On Monday, I:
- Had tution with B at I-hate-Geylang-cos-it's-so-far-away!
- Met D for lunch and I finally satisfied my Pontian wanton mee craving!
- Crashed in fatigue till 8pm and woke up and began my imsomnia life haha
On Tuesday, I:
- DID NOTHING! There is an Italian phrase that goes bel far niente which means the "beauty of doing nothing". Even the meaning of the phrase is beautiful! :)
- Basically I just lay in bed reading the whole day cos I was nursing a back ache.
On Wednesday, I:
- Happy birthday Mummy! <3
- Had tuition with B again. He couldn't wake up, omg so cute! So I bribed him with chewing gum and like all 10 yos, he actually liked it and woke up :) I feel like our rapport is getting stronger cos he actually tells me stuff that he doesn't tell his parents. Kewt leh!
- Met D for healthy swim! 2km in 50+ mins. I feel like I can survive the swim leg of a tri and not die and/or finish last.
- Basically mucked around the entire afternoon.
- Met the fam + cousins for Mummy's birthday dinner! We were so funny we ordered a cake with 4 slices of 3 different cakes. Sometimes we behave like kids but I love it hehe :)
- Remember getting annoyed cos I was SO tired but they just wanted to talk and talk and not go home zzz.
- Okay basically Wed was just the most tiring day OF THE WEEK. I died in bed.
On Thursday, I:
- Woke up late and had a nice lunch at home. Nothing beats homecooked food, not even HK or Thai or Jap food.
- Made my way down to NUH to meet Mummy & Papa. Had the whole journey to think about my future haha
- Saw Mummy get wheeled in for her op (don't worry my mum's fine! :) ).
- Waited in the Visitor's Lounge with Pa and I remember napping LOL I'm quite a pig.
- Remember some auntie insisting on changing the TV channel to watch some Channel 8 drama and actually crying omg -.- And she was sitting next to me! (I fell asleep after rolling my eyes HAHA.)
- Word Search saved my day! "You actually feel joy and achievement completing one word search?! OMG." - Father. I do realize how amusing they find me haha.
- Extended tea with Pa in the canteen. Love dad talks btw! <3
- Subsequently had this passing thought in Brain that I really do need to marry someone like my father.
- Mummy wheeled back to her ward and we sat around chatting with her... and more Word Search! Hahaha
- Spontaneous catch-up with Yinwei over drinks at Boat Quay. BEST choice in shaken martini - Brandy Alexander. Remind me to get that next time thanks.
- Remember crashing after chat. Okay la at least I don't waste time on my pillow trying to count sheep.
On Friday (that's today yay!), I:
- Woke up at TEN. That's not a very TYL thing to do, but whatever.
- Missed gym as a result.
- S*M)U decides to throw me into confusion - but I did see this coming la.
- Felt %^$$@#!$#! that I didn't get what I want. Left the house sleepy and sulky.
- 5 things I can't leave the house without: Handphone, wallet, iPod, camera, sunnies. IT IS SO HOT.
- Met K for lunch and OMG. Remind me never to eat at Asian Kitchen again. Food sucks!
- Walked around alone shopping aimlessly trying to while time. And I felt a pang of emptiness and decided to disappear into the crowd, but nah, some things are too stark to ignore. Sorry I'm pathetic like that.
- Leapt with joy when I could finally make my way to tuition with B and not appear early on the doorstep like an over-zealous tuition teacher.
- B was so high today! I gave him a different flavour chewing gum today and he was so happy, like a 10 yo kid! Aiyo cute. And I said "Okay let's play Hangman!" and he lost so I won a Hi-Chew! Seriously, I behave like another 10 yo kid sometimes. WHY?
- Met Jer for CATCH-UP. I was deprived of my only friend for 2 weeks and I was quite sad about that HAHAHA ): Dinner at tcc was seriously 76264576243 better than the shite lunch at AK and they cost almost the same grr.
- We actually didn't shop Jer!! Looks like talking is more important and we're becoming less frivolous LOL.
- GOT MY LONGCHAMP OMGGGGGGG BEST THING OF THE WEEK! :DD And being the stupid retard that I am, I immediately emptied out the contents of my bag and transferred it to Le Pliage. Brown bag, you've served me well! :)
- Was suddenly enlightened: some things are written in the stars. Everything that happens happens for a reason, and everything that doesn't also doesn't for another reason. Perhaps I will be happier this way.
- Generally moody and HOT and feeling pathetic and disillusioned. I mean seriously, trust is a very mutual thing. But suck it up, life's a bitch sometimes!
- Decided that I'm going to lock up more entries!
- I realized I needed that phone call, omg thanks.
On Saturday, I am going to:
- Wake up late.
- Meet D for our 40 laps. Going to attempt 50 mins yes!
- Either meet HY or go to Flea Fly Flo Fun with Jer and Cand! :)
- Have dinner with the fam?
On Sunday, I am going to:
- Wake up late.
- Read and rest.
- Give Nicknick tuition. YOU BETTER KNOW YOUR STUFF!!
- Play tennis.
- bel far niente <3
And I sit in awe and amazement at how I got through this whole hapz week without a single photo to document everything that happened.
Okay it's 3 I better sleep now goodnight! :)