for the love of old men

Mar 04, 2009 22:56

For all the sensation and warm reception that The Curious Case of Benjamin Button received, I think it totally paled in comparison to Valkyrie. If not for the the fact that the lead was BRAD AWESOME PITT, I think this movie would just be a flop. It is so LOONNGG, it is a little choppy (I don't see the flow! Where's the flow where's the flow! Job hazard i tell ya..), when the characters get old they are reaallly ugly, and it's basically just messy and dreary. Testament to this fact: I fell asleep for a good 15 mins into the show.

Valkyrie is a war movie and if you didn't realize by now, war movies is MY thing yo. War and action movies are where the BOY in me surfaces and takes over the world hahaha. It's about Tom Cruise as this German spy and how they plotted to bring the Nazis down from the inside. Super cool because prior to this, I didn't know of this particular assassination attempt on Hitler. LOVE WAR MOVIES. I feel like I'm re-living history with all these people! I remember Downfall - it was like the best re-enactment of Hitler and the stupid Nazis. 
So I think if you have $6, watch this and not Button, unless for some obscure reason you hate Tom and love Brad.. I can't fathom why you won't love both.

Anyway, I think the concept of reversing in age is pretty cool, actually. I mean it's novel and it doesn't really happen in our real world. One conversation that stuck with me though..

Daisy: Would you still love me if I were old and saggy?
Benjamin: Would you still love me if I were young and had acne? When I'm afraid of what's under the bed? Or if I end up wetting the bed?

Actually, long before this movie was released, I remember reading an article online before where some famous author/writer mused about what it would be like if people born at 80 years old, and die a baby. He said it's better, because you die a happy person :) Which is true, if you think about it! Babies have zero worries. 
I also think his monologue about the collision course is really cool! If you think about it, that's what fate and destiny is all about. It is defined by trivial things that don't seem to matter, but when they come together, they count for alot.

When I was interning at this law firm, on my last day, one of the SCs of the firm sat us down and gave us this long talk. He said many things that I believe K and I still remember till today (yes right, K?), but one thing I really remember every day is this:
Always make changes to the things you do, because you'll realize how big a difference it would make. It's like driving down the same road everyday - if every day you turn right by 1 degree, 10 years down the road, you'll find yourself in an entirely different place.

It was so true that these words resonated in my head till today. Okay ya, so I think the collision course theory is cool. WHY do I always digress -__- In class also like that omg.

On another note, why are middle-aged men SO charming and good-looking!?!

 one eye still so handsome...

movies, geek

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