I look at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world.

Apr 28, 2015 14:48

Today, as I was making my way toward the office, I saw one of the more glorious sights my eyes have ever beheld. You see, I work on a satellite campus as close as you can get to Buttfuck, Nowhere in the middle of a city. We never get the fun, college campus things out here ( Read more... )

once again elisa is the table douchebag, i ship it!, the internet is eating my life, jared and jensen are in love, my hair is my only friend, visual aides, public entry, gay savant, here let me write you a novel, is this how you adult? am i adulting cor, oh-my-livia, those brothers have sex, oh fandom, big bang, feeeeeeelliinngggsss, fangirling fangirls irl

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Comments 8

amberdreams April 28 2015, 21:38:55 UTC
Ahahahah! I missed out on getting the coke bottle personalised, didn't know they did the cans too! What fun! Are you an Elisa? I have Danish friend called that. I searched every shelf when they had the named bottles but never once saw an Anne-Marie for me. :D


cherie_morte April 28 2015, 21:53:53 UTC
I am! And, haha, you are getting GREEDY. You couldn't settle for an Anne or a Marie??? YOU HAD TO HAVE THEM BOTH?


amberdreams April 28 2015, 22:05:47 UTC
That's what you get when your Mum's a French teacher. it did lead to my best friend in nursery school calling me Tambourine because she couldn't cope with Anne-Marie.


cherie_morte April 28 2015, 22:08:13 UTC
LMAO. I doubt you would have had any more luck finding a Tambourine Coke. XD


sillie82 April 28 2015, 21:54:12 UTC
Hahaha omg, those cans are awesome. :D :D

Good luck on writing your BB. You can do it! *pompoms*


cherie_morte April 28 2015, 21:59:13 UTC
Thanks, sweetie!! I think I can, I think I can...


blackrabbit42 April 29 2015, 01:58:19 UTC
So, did you get back in line to get the other ones? You are dedicated, and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.




cherie_morte April 29 2015, 16:16:47 UTC
Haha, first I bribed my co-worker to go down and get me Sam and Dean and then he was like, "You know you can get more than two if you get back in line?" So I went down for Jared and Jensen.

And then I tried to get some GoT characters for him as a thank you for the Sam/Dean cans but the names weren't in the database so they were like, "THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR REAL PEOPLE'S FIRST NAMES ONLY." and I crawled off in shame...with my J2 cans. :DDDD


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