So, I am mega-blocked on the scene I should be writing for
loveyoulikesin and I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for the words to come to me, and then I saw this Supernatural meme on my flist and I was like, "Hey! I like Supernatural! I like procrastination!" And yeah, so that is how this happened. Stole it from
checkthemarginsETA: Just a warning? This post can be
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ALSO 27 HOT DAMN THAT SCENE. Nobody else seems to like Nightshifter quite as much as I do, I can't figure it out because HELLO ALL THE SEX WITH RENEGADE AND BOYS IN COSTUMES SNEAKING OUT OF THE BANK AND ASDFGHJKL.
REALLY?! You must be talking to some crazy bitches! All my girls who I've ever watched that episode with have LOVED it and NOBODY DOES NOT GET EXCITED OVER THAT MUSIC CUE, BECAUSE THAT WOULD JUST BE WRONG.
ALL OF MY FRIENDS SUCK APPARENTLY. And yeah I ha to take Renegade and Carry On Wayward Son off my iPhone because they give me too many Winchester feels and I can't handle that in public, especially at my job.
Gabriel, on the other hand. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.
And...yeah. I don't get where Gabriel's characterization even came from, because pretty much all it was, was 'I like messing with you guys and also am kinda an asshole, but endearingly so.' IDK IDK.
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