I won't call it rescue. What brought me back here to the old world to drink and decline.

Apr 09, 2012 04:09

So, I am mega-blocked on the scene I should be writing for loveyoulikesin and I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for the words to come to me, and then I saw this Supernatural meme on my flist and I was like, "Hey! I like Supernatural! I like procrastination!" And yeah, so that is how this happened. Stole it from checkthemarginsETA: Just a warning? This post can be ( Read more... )

once again elisa is the table douchebag, i'm a scholar i enjoy scholarly pursuits, i ship it!, the internet is eating my life, jared and jensen are in love, my hair is my only friend, let's do the time warp again, juan goes to college, public entry, gay savant, threesomes are important, those brothers have sex, oh fandom, big bang, fanart-monster!cherie strikes again, i post too many memes

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slightlysatanic April 9 2012, 11:25:35 UTC
HELLO THANK YOU FOR NUMBER 10 seriously that archangel!retconning made me SO MAD I had an instant dislike for Gabriel that never went away.

ALSO 27 HOT DAMN THAT SCENE. Nobody else seems to like Nightshifter quite as much as I do, I can't figure it out because HELLO ALL THE SEX WITH RENEGADE AND BOYS IN COSTUMES SNEAKING OUT OF THE BANK AND ASDFGHJKL.



cherie_morte April 9 2012, 11:30:33 UTC
It's just so skeevy. Ugh. I mean, I still enjoy things about him. But I am never going to like that they did that.

REALLY?! You must be talking to some crazy bitches! All my girls who I've ever watched that episode with have LOVED it and NOBODY DOES NOT GET EXCITED OVER THAT MUSIC CUE, BECAUSE THAT WOULD JUST BE WRONG.


slightlysatanic April 9 2012, 11:43:34 UTC
I never, like, ~loved him. He was amusing and useful for stuff like the flirting plot line in Tall Tales and the epic love story buildup in Mystery Spot. But I feel like people got weirdly obsessed with him after he got turned into an angel...? I don't know, I never found him to be remarkably likable beyond a bad guy they couldn't kill who liked to fuck around with them.

ALL OF MY FRIENDS SUCK APPARENTLY. And yeah I ha to take Renegade and Carry On Wayward Son off my iPhone because they give me too many Winchester feels and I can't handle that in public, especially at my job.


cherie_morte April 9 2012, 11:49:50 UTC
NO, I COMPLETELY AGREE, THOUGH. It made no sense. He was a really fun bad guy and the episodes he as in were consistently good/funny. But you didn't really hear about him as a character. As soon as he got labeled an angel suddenly he's everyone's favorite character. Just...what? And also I am still completely confused and upset by the Sam/Gabriel ship and I think it makes me like him less.


slightlysatanic April 9 2012, 11:55:04 UTC
Ew, right? Where did that come from?? I have the same feeling abou Dean/Castiel sadly, a lot of people are so crazy-invested in it that the fan service made me dislike Cas when I used to quite like him and HELLO DO YOU REALLY THINK THERE IS ANYTHING ON THIS EARTH DEAN LOVES MORE THAN HIS BROTHER BECAUSE THERE ISN'T.


cherie_morte April 9 2012, 12:07:28 UTC
See, I don't feel that way about Castiel. I really love him. Aside from the fact that he was never a monster like Gabriel was (except for the character assassination in Season 6, but that was just bullshit, I'm holding that against Sera, not him) and has been given enough screentime to be sympathetic and understandable. I also don't have the Dean/Cas problem because I don't see Cas as a threat to Dean's love for Sam at all. I just have never seen evidence that Dean cares for Castiel as anything more than a friend, and he's really kind of a crappy friend to Cas (actually, this kind of annoys me) except for, again, the very heavy handed crap at the end of Season 6, but it felt out of character because Dean has been so inconsiderate of Cas in the past. So I dunno. I love that nerdy little angel even as I have no fucking clue how people ship that so hard because I've never seen evidence for it, but hey if it makes them happy.

Gabriel, on the other hand. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.


slightlysatanic April 9 2012, 12:17:29 UTC
I think my biggest problem with it is that the 'chemistry' and 'profound bond' is all manufactured (drawn-out gazes in cut screens are not natural), and the you have Jensen and Jared Sam and Dean who genuinely do stare at each other like that, so I just...don't get it. IDK maybe I'm just reacting to fan reactions and my inner Sam!girl is still frothing about how Sam's episode was almost exclusively promoted as Castiel's return. ALTHOUGH JARED BLEW EVERYONE ELSE AWAY IN THAT EP SO I WASN'T MAD ANY MORE.

And...yeah. I don't get where Gabriel's characterization even came from, because pretty much all it was, was 'I like messing with you guys and also am kinda an asshole, but endearingly so.' IDK IDK.


cherie_morte April 10 2012, 04:48:48 UTC
Well, I agree that there is no chemistry between them, there's much more between Jared/Jensen and even Jared/Misha (Jared in general has better chemistry with people), but Castiel's character is not dependent on his relationship to Dean, especially not after S4, but even then I would see he was his own character. Their friendship has never been particularly interesting the way Sam and Cas's journey to understanding each other has been.


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