#AlwaysKeepFighting Love Meme

May 16, 2015 21:09

Hey, guys. As you by now surely know, it's been a really emotional weekend for the Supernatural fandom. One of our boys is hurting, and all of us have been pulling together, sending him our love and wishing him the best ( Read more... )

feeeeeeelliinngggsss, public entry, oh fandom, fangirling fangirls irl, i post too many memes

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tifaching May 17 2015, 02:41:56 UTC
We don't know each other, but hi! <3


samena May 28 2015, 10:21:20 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ and {{{{hugs}}}}}!


cassiopeia7 May 17 2015, 02:51:13 UTC
We haven't met, but I ADORE your Twitter handle! ♥


lotrspnfangirl May 17 2015, 03:13:24 UTC
Ah Val, we have known one another for years and you deserve much love for being such a strong individual <3 You're a beautiful person and have so much love an appreciation for others!


emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 03:19:00 UTC
your so awesome and so fun to talk to I truly enjoy you your a great person


cherie_morte May 17 2015, 03:44:44 UTC
I loved that you remembered me and that we have reconnected! I can't wait to get to know you (again)! :D


jennytork May 17 2015, 13:59:13 UTC
hey there.


supernutjapan May 17 2015, 16:29:26 UTC
Love youuuuuuuu<3<3<3
Thank you for always being there and being soooo patient and loving and kind.


billysgirl5 May 17 2015, 19:28:10 UTC


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billysgirl5 May 17 2015, 20:05:24 UTC
No, I don't believe that we know each other. But there is never enough love going around so, with this meme, I'm spreading it! :D


ldyghst May 17 2015, 23:34:19 UTC


dolnmoon May 18 2015, 01:39:49 UTC
So MUCH LOVE to you!!!!!!!


vexed_wench May 18 2015, 05:00:01 UTC

*Big Hugs*


vampirebites13 May 19 2015, 00:48:19 UTC


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