#AlwaysKeepFighting Love Meme

May 16, 2015 21:09

Hey, guys. As you by now surely know, it's been a really emotional weekend for the Supernatural fandom. One of our boys is hurting, and all of us have been pulling together, sending him our love and wishing him the best ( Read more... )

feeeeeeelliinngggsss, public entry, oh fandom, fangirling fangirls irl, i post too many memes

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yohkobennington May 17 2015, 01:29:07 UTC
Heh, I'm here for it!


cherie_morte May 17 2015, 01:50:54 UTC
Yooooou! Well, first of all, thank you SO MUCH for making my Twitter feed such a love-filled and wonderful place today. It was so sweet of you to spread all that love unprompted like that, and I think it is just what we all needed today.

You're such a funny and big-hearted person. I really admire the risks you took to follow your dream recently, and I am so so happy it's worked out for you the way it has. You deserve happiness, because you bring so much of it into fandom. <3


yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:25:06 UTC
Thank you ^u^
I'm just glad it worked because too much was at stake on that hehe.



badbastion May 17 2015, 01:55:12 UTC
yizziiiiiieeeee you are one of my absolute favorite people, and I love you so much <3


yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:25:30 UTC
Baaaaaaaaaas DITTO!!!! <3333


emmatheslayer May 17 2015, 02:03:22 UTC
your post are always so fun and I enjoy your fics


yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:25:53 UTC
Thank you! :D



ephermeralk May 17 2015, 02:14:14 UTC
Hiiiiii bb!!! Glad you are out and about following your dreams. That makes me ridiculously happy <3333


yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:26:26 UTC
Hi sweetie! Thank you ^u^ <3333


tifaching May 17 2015, 02:37:21 UTC
Hey, you! You are awesome and write Dean/Benny. What's not to love?



yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:27:10 UTC
:D Thank you! <3


cassiopeia7 May 17 2015, 02:47:45 UTC
Helloooo, you rockin' chick! It has certainly been nice getting to know you -- my only regret is that I lurked for so long before friending you. But as they say, "good things come to those who wait." Good people, too. ♥


yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:29:26 UTC
Omg you creeper!!!! :b

Thank you :3


kelleigh May 17 2015, 02:50:22 UTC
If all of this came from you leaving love on Twitter, then I definitely need to say THANK YOU ♥


yohkobennington May 18 2015, 19:30:55 UTC
^u^ ♥


fireheart13 May 17 2015, 02:58:25 UTC
You've got that little bit of snark and that whole lotta warmth and friendship :-) Sometimes you lay low here a little, and I'm always happy when I see you pop back up! *many hugs!!*


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