#AlwaysKeepFighting Love Meme

May 16, 2015 21:09

Hey, guys. As you by now surely know, it's been a really emotional weekend for the Supernatural fandom. One of our boys is hurting, and all of us have been pulling together, sending him our love and wishing him the best ( Read more... )

feeeeeeelliinngggsss, public entry, oh fandom, fangirling fangirls irl, i post too many memes

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ldyghst May 17 2015, 01:28:52 UTC
kelleigh May 17 2015, 01:38:35 UTC
How many more places can we be friends? LOL. Whether it's here or twittering or liking each other's #catsofinstagram posts, I don't know what I'd do without your encouragement and positivity all over my social media :P ♥


cherie_morte May 17 2015, 01:43:25 UTC
You're so encouraging and funny--I feel like you have such a gift for popping into Twitter convos with the most hilarious gifs or commentary. My days have a lot more smiles since I followed you. ♥


textandtea May 17 2015, 02:50:02 UTC
Love you lots. You bring such light and sweetness to my day. :)


morrezela May 17 2015, 02:55:56 UTC
I love how you lead me astray and encouraged me to buy even more tea to put in my cupboards.


dugindeep May 17 2015, 04:32:41 UTC
Megan! You are so sweet and loving. And send me awesome cat pics and Star Wars things via Twitter. I love you for all of these things!


fiercelynormal May 17 2015, 05:24:25 UTC
I love your face! You're one of the sweetest, kindest people I know and I love talking to you. Love you!


deirdre_c May 17 2015, 11:58:41 UTC
Thanks for being a lovely part of SPN fandom. ♥


expectative May 17 2015, 13:49:00 UTC
You're the best, Meg, always so nice to everyone <3


jennytork May 17 2015, 13:54:04 UTC
I barely know you but you seem amazing.


dephigravity May 17 2015, 18:18:36 UTC

Seriously, you are without a doubt one of the sweetest and most genuine people I have met in fandom. Though we don't talk nearly as much as we used to, I still value every conversation we've ever had... be them squeefest of vent sessions. YOU ARE AN AWESOMELY COOL CHICK!


plasticine_star May 17 2015, 19:25:20 UTC
Girl, you are an absolute sweetheart. I always think of warm blankets, tea and kitties when I think of you. :D


billysgirl5 May 17 2015, 19:27:39 UTC
The stories you write never fail to make me feel! Thank you for all your stories and beautiful artwork!


laughablelament May 18 2015, 00:29:15 UTC
We haven't met but I stalked some of your BB posts. Just gorgeous. Much love to you! :D


paperbackwriter May 18 2015, 04:01:56 UTC
: ) ♥ xx


vexed_wench May 18 2015, 04:45:30 UTC
*Big Hugs*


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