
Apr 02, 2006 13:32

i just went to mcdonalds and got a veggie burger. it just feels kind of cool to be able to do that in egypt. especially people in egypt don't seem to get the concept of 'vegetarian.' when i tell people i am a vegetarian they just kind of stare at me and ask, in this incredulous voice, why i would do such a thing. but, yeah, go mcdonalds. mcdonalds even has wireless internet. do mcdonalds in the states have wifi? lots of places have it here, or at least western places. it really surprises. i went to cinabon this weekend and it had wifi. i really don't like cinamon. i need to remember this in the future. or knowing that i don't like cinamon, i shouldn't have ordered a cinabun. o well.

so, this weekend was my one and only crew tournament. crew is over now. hurrah! we came in last in both our races, but we finished. yay for us. in the first race, one of the other boats hit us and we had to start the race over. i was really amused. so, we were supposed to have one race in our 8 person boat and then the coach had been working with people for a couple weeks on also rowing a 4 person boat. naturally, have no athletic talent or stamina whatsoever, i was not put on this boat. until the day of the race. i was so angry. i could barely get out of the boat once we got back and then my coach put me in another race. that i hadn't been practing for. its really different to row in a 4 boat than an 8. a 4 boat is much more tippy and so everything you do a much bigger influence on the boat and it's balance than in the 8. i was so afraid i was going to tip the boat. but we made it. and i didn't die. yay for me.

before i went to mcdonalds, i had gone to the office of Egypt Air. I bought myself a plane ticket to Jordan. so i have only spent $600 on spring break airline tickets. but then, a round trip ticket to kenya (where katie, cate, and leisal are going) is 600 by itself. i also get to fly to istanbul and back from athens. i am very excited about spring break. i am flying with hyewon and kayte to istanbul and we are hitting istanbul and ephesus. then kayte is abadoning us to go to lebanon and hyewon and i are hitting athens. then we return to cairo for like a day. and i am flying to jordan and meeting up with kayte and erin. and i am going back to petra and i'll get to do nifty in amman and maybe other places in jordan. i heard that there isn't much to do in amman.

i am so excited. i need to go to the mall and buy myself 'not in egypt' clothes. i brought stupid clothes here with me. i didn't bring any short sleeve shirts because i thought it would inappropriate. i also left home all of my knee length skirts. but i could have gotten away with both. i shouldn't wear sleeveless shirts or skirts above the knee, but when do i wear them in the states? and supposedly, there is a gap at the mall. i know, it's shocking, i still haven't been to the mall. but it's a long ways away. like a 20 or 30 min. taxi ride. i don't think i can go this weekend. maybe a week from tuesday... i have so much work this week. i had a midterm paper due today, i have an arabic midterm tomorrow, i have a paper due friday, a book report due sunday (for which i still need to read a 400 page book) and half of a rough draft of research paper due sunday, but i don't really have a set topic for that paper because my prof. didn't like my thesis statement. o well. but i'm leaving for turkey in less than 2 weeks!!!!! turkey!
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