Today I went to my old flat to pick up some shoes I want to sell. I remembered a pair of pink Bodyline Pumps and thought about letting my turquoise-blue-ish BtssB Pumps go. They DO fit me, what's seldom enough. But I don't think I'd ever wear them out to something else than taking pictures.
But the latter I forgot, haha. Instead I found a pair of Bodyline Pumps I didn't even know I had. xD I took those with me instead.
So just in case anyone here is interested in the following, I'm going to make a sales post this week-end.
Darker pink enamel and offwhite-matte size 27, new
Size LL, white, used
And I got those blue BtssB shoes I mentioned which are pretty old. I wasn't even able to find any information on these.I only know those round toed shoes must be rather old designs from them. And mine are even new. ;_; I wish I'd wear anything that matches more often, or at least had time to take any decent pictures with Outfits.
If somebody could help me out with information, I'd be very glad!
Mystery solved thanks to
ladymakochan! xD
Those are the ones:
Big ribbon sandals.