Miserable, frustrated and just plain pissed off

May 11, 2008 15:44

Okay, so, on Friday, I bought Team Fortress 2, which is like..the best multiplayer FPS game out there. So I pop it into my computer and start installing. Takes about 3 hours, okay, no biggie, I just had to wait for a bit. So, after finally installing, I launch the game and watch the loading screen for about 5 minutes until it disappears, shifts back to my desktop, and tells me I can't play the game because my graphics card is old and crappy.

.........FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK. So I yell out my frustrations upon my family and proceed to do research on how much it would cost. The cheapest graphics card with all the components needed is $100.00. I tell my mother, she says; 'It's hard to justify spending that much money on a $20.00 computer game'. So I kinda grumble, and then get the idea of maybe seeing if my sister's computer works with the game. I ask my step-dad, and he tells me a few other things, then goes on this huge rant about how obsessive I am of this game, how unhealthy I am, spending several hours in the computer a day, and how much of a problem child I am, not just with this computer, but with costumes ( and being a freak because of it), not having a job and a bunch of other non-relevant crap to my situation. So, now I'm pissed, lack the money for an upgrade, depressed at the fact that I'm such a horrible child, and seriously contemplating just going to live with my dad, but that would'nt work, because then I'd have to switch schools and do a bunch of other bullshit. I am SICK of my step-dad just going on and on with 'sage advice' to my mother on how to raise kids (He has a 18 and 25 year old, which he barely even raised, they both lived with their mother) and how healthy kids should be, and how unhealthy I am and telling her to be more strict and generally a bitch of a mother.

Fuck you Jack. You're not my father, I don't care if the ring and legal documents say otherwise, I don't care if my mother says otherwise, I wouldn't care if Jesus himself said otherwise, you are NOT my father. Quit telling me about how much of a horrible person I am and just go die of lung cancer.
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