Dec 18, 2006 08:58
So I have finished my first semester of college, and it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I probably could have done better in classes since I put little effort in them, but I am happy with the grades I made anyway. Im getting a car sometime very soon, and I only hope that this time it doesnt get wrecked. I dont have many plans for christmas, but I want to keep in touch with all my new college friends, because I miss them more than I thought I would. I pretty much miss the selected few friends I was in band with. I spent nearly everyday with them, and even though it is a good thing to finally have a break from each other, at the same time I already want to see them again.
Somethings I learned at UNA:
-civil engineers suck at designing florence roads, because lanes randomly turn into turning lanes, or they just end, or the lanes get smaller so it is scary driving right next to another car.
-in addition to bad engineering, there are many bad drivers, turning signals and putting on car lights at night or during the rain, is optional.
-people from the country really do talk funny.
-people from the country think i talk funny and assume that Im from the north.
-getting "ill" with someone means you are being snappy and/or bitchy with them.
-there is an "in memory of" sticker on almost every car
-if you drive a truck in florence, there is a high chance that you have a body kit on it to raise it up, either a little bit, or as high as a monster truck.
-it rains at very random times