Jan 31, 2006 01:46
In a post that'll be totally out of sync with the previous one, despite it being the same day and place and me, I'm going to talk about dumb materialistic things, blindingly hedonistic romps.. the things that don't matter (too much)!
Thanks to dom, seowy and rui for making wednesday night pretty damn good. Clubbing is something that I never acquired the taste for, because it reminds me that so many people who club do it for reasons i don't believe in. Ftting in. Or being perceived as trendy and hip, and therefore desirable. Drinking beyond the point of reason and maturity that ought to be with people older than 18, because being drunk is ugly and disgusting!! But a little part of me secretly wants to go, because it's about letting go, and it's about fun and great thumping music and just about being human. I've been a couple of times with friends from other circles. And it sucked. Because I saw they as clubbing for.. reasons different from mine. I could be damn wrong. But it wasn't fun. And I saw it in their faces. So I wasn't going to do with them anytime soon, next week or whenever.
Okay I'm fucking rambling already. Wednesday Night was really fun. The pictures speak for themselves. The drinks aren't as watered down as other shittier places. The music's pretty ok. The space is amazing for the door charge. And hey, I'm stil thinking about haha.. nvm. Let's do it again sometime before you jet off to Aus.
I'm done with the romp. Let's talk about things!
I want an ipod. a freaking sweet 15in 'macbook pro'/the powerbook. nice portable speakers. comfortable shoes. a watch.
Okay, i'm done with things. Those are actually things that are easily gotten. It's just a matter of money. There're lots of other things that I want that can't be bought with money. That's a lot harder to work to.
So I'll talk about all that another time. I also have a couple of really good confucious jokes to share. I'm making all of you wait. Haha...