(no subject)

Mar 21, 2008 14:45

Things I have learned in my 21 years:

-People are usually a lot less complicated than you think or even they think they are.
A good disposition will take you far.
-Nobody respects a doormat.
People will only take advantage of you if you let them.
-You know the answer to every question you have. You may not want to listen to it....or have the courage to follow it...but you know it. Why are we scared of the answers?
-I lead a blessed life.....but I know it means I must do great things with it: To whom much is given, much is expected.
-I can choose the bullshit I keep in my life or choose to eliminate.
-Religious arguments are pointless....those who understand the true origins and beliefs of their religions don't see the use and don't need to argue to get their point across.
-My parents are my best friends.
-It is far too easy to blame.....circumstances, people, situations....but never ourselves.
-I am turning into my mother. and I like it.
-Tolerance and respect for other people is sorely lacking.
I don't think I am using my God given gifts in school.
-Education doesnt teach you the information...the answers can be found in any book....it teaches you how to ask the right questions.
-Love is blind as a fucking bat. but maybe that's the way it is supposed to be.
-People get together for the wrong reasons. I used to think people only got married because at a certain age everyone starts to break away from their peers and they rush to find a companion out of fear of being alone. I still think that. But I know some people get married to their best friend because they really do want to spend everyday of their life with just that person.
-Every boy I've met is painfully insecure. every. single. one.
-The men in my family show me that good men do exist; and I will forever be grateful for that knowledge and keep hope that the boys will eventually become that.
-Insecurity is at the root of soooo many personal issues.
-Everyone should go to a psychiatrist...we take yearly physical sheck ups, but eyeryone ignores the mental state.
-Proper and efficient communication is a miracle worker.
- Empty barrels make the most noise.
- Some of my best friends are assholes, bitches, sluts, just plain dumb and sometimes annoying. I love them.
-Racist jokes are no longer funny since I've moved to a place where racism really exists.
-Many of my friendships are one sided..and unfortunately cannot be saved without both parties.
-I really don't want to be an option for you when I hold you as a priority. Stop it.
- Just because I don't ask much of you...doesn't mean I don't expect much of you.
-Make up your own mind.
- Hold on to your beliefs, but never so tightly that you can't fit anyone else's.
- I love angels. not because they are cute but because of what they symbolise. A guardian, a friend, a helping hand.
-My instincts are AMAZING. I am learning to trust them.
- Why would you want to be around someone that doesn't bring out the best in you?

-Doing work= getting paid....so I'm out :)
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