This isn't directed at anyone so don't get's me VENTING

Nov 06, 2007 01:25

i swear to god sometimes the gender gap is so fucking huge.

my blood felt like it was about to boil today in class......

So as long as I'm good and pissed

List of recently discovered and old pet peeves (just in case anyone was wondering...started talkin about with alena...decided to continue)

1) Ignorant people....people who are narrow minded, not just unknowing......people who are so fucking pretentious.....people who are extremists in anything to the point where other people's logic is no longer considered: politics, nationalism, religion
3) Hypocrites...not minor two faced ness which we r all guilty of but straight up blatent hypocrisy
4) People who forget selective things incessantly....i'm cool with broad range memory loss
5) People who get into bad moods and take it out on everyone else.....dude...go and fucking wallow....

Sidebar: people who insist on ruining the mood when they are pissed...... oh and I FUCKING HATE when people slam pots and pans and doors to make a point...way to go! you ruined kitchen ware.

6) People who compare their situations to situation....opporunities.....where they live....I cannot stand people who do ot appreciate their lives. I've recently decided to stop saying life sucks....cuz it's so not true....I have bad days....but I have been ridiculously blessed.
7) Being ignored and taken for granted...yeah i'm here for you when you need me....but I'm also here when you don't.
8) Being made to feel stupid.....Just cuz I don't rock it in your face doesn't mean I'm not smart.....I may hate math but I know I'm intelligent as fuck
9) People who complain about shit for a loooonnng time when they know exactly what has to be done to change it....
it's cool to whine here and there (hey I'm bitchin on LJ right now) and its cool to seek advice if you need to figure out what is wrong ....but my problem comes when you use all yur energy to whine and complain rather than seek a solution
10) People who can't use Google.
11) People who are atheists, not because they don't believe there's a god...but because they got turned off the church/synagogue/mosque whatever and were too lazy to try to understand it. I think that kind of atheism is a cop out....oh and people who confuse agnosticism with atheism.
12) People who still think sex is a prize you win for being a good boy or good girl and playing the dating game right.
13)People who answer me in person or on the phone like "What?" ....Oh! I'm so sorry i disturbed your fucking precious day.
14) People who come up to me and strike up a convo when I'm obviously on a cell phone.
15) People who get bored too quickly and too often
16) People who refuse to experiment with their hair every once in a while.....
17) People who pop pills like candy.....never figuring out the root of the problem...just treating the symptoms.
18) Cat people...CATS SUCK.full stop.
lol so that's not really a pet peeve...just seriously cats do suck.
19) People who sterotype races and generalise cultures....People who identify a person solely by their skin and think that's a sufficient description.
20)Political Correctness.....If you have to actively try to be politically're already at fault
21) People with no sense of silly humour
22) People who don't LOVE the movie Dogma.
23) People who think Africa, India, and China are sooooo backward and the people are unintelligent.......retards.
24) People who suck at geography, acknowledge it...and don't care.
25) People who don't acknowledge the global state of our world

and now I'm tired.
Peace out homies.......hope noone takes offence....I'm just really pissed off
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