Jul 05, 2005 05:00
you know, i read all the time about this person liking this person and this person judging this person. and the bulk of that shit happens when people are actively out seeking a "mate" or at the very least a "fuckbuddy."
the great irony to me, though, is that the innate selfishness of 99.99% of the human race becomes extremely exacerbated during this period of "searching." people who are relative 2's on the worthwhile scale suddenly preview their dream man as a 10. For instance: a loser with no education, moderately good looks, average but fit body, works in retail and makes less than 25k/yr, lives in an apartment and leases his car ---> seeks 6'2" Greek god, perfectly tanned, muscled, world-traveled, huge bank account (that he's willing to part with), and respectable education/career.
irony? oh yes. how can you ask for something that YOU yourself cannot give? or what if someone else can give a helluva lot more than you can, but you seek this one attribute above all else?
i have come to the conclusion that gay or straight, people are deluded and they suck. i will probably never...i repeat never...find someone who makes me happy in the way that i am seeking - in a manner of total exchange.
i want to be a better person because of knowing someone. i don't want this person to demand things he can't give me. and i don't want him thinking because he may or may not have one or two things that i don't have - that he has the "upper hand." a relationship should be an exchange - an interaction out of which you gain things you may not have had and you give things the other may not have had.
unfortunately, though, we live in a society in which people value MINE MINE MINE over anything else. as a result - and who's really surprised by this - people become just as valuated as cars, as houses, as clothing labels.
i just think it's a crying shame when a slovenly nelly bitch who folds sweaters at the GAP, clubs every night of the week, has no savings, never went to college, has the IQ of an acorn, and this bitch - this brazen awful bitch - seeks someone refined, sensitive, etc...
i am offended because these people that seek to 'trade up' often seek to do so at the expense of insult, hurt, and belittling.
if the endgame is fucking, anyway, then why does it really matter?
and at this point, i'm more than willing to acknowledge that the vast majority of gay men have poisoned themselves with separatist euphemisms. we fuck because we can! la la la
to quote mylene farmer: FUCK THEM ALL.
i know i'm not straight. i hate being gay (because i hate gay people). perhaps i'll just go asexual. i'll become a sunflower. then, at least, the sun is fulfilling in ways people couldn't even imagine being themselves...