My ass is like WhOa

Sep 17, 2005 22:20

So I know I haven't updated since before I left for Chatuaqua.. So you've missed tons, but I'm just gonna give you some bits 'n pieces of things..

Last night a really good time. Me 'n Anna went to the bonfire at Jon's house and their were tons of people there which was so cool cuz their all so fun. We meant a guy named Tom from west.. which we hungout with him most the time, and Anna got his number.. oo la la ;-) Kristen was there and so was Eddie which was good cuz at first me 'n Anna didnt know who everyone was lolol

OO yea we started dance on thrusday and did a combination to My love is like whoa, and I had alotta fun. I didn't think I did too good, but to my suprise I guess I did.. so I was told! Which made my day friday! I had such a good day.. b/c Mr. A had his jury duty so my audition is Monday which I am so ready for by the way!, I did good on my 3 quizzes I had.. I don't want to jinx it but I really know I did cuz I actually studied haha, My logo from Desktop publishing for the Katrina relief posters around school or in the auditorium or w/e Mr. Mendola said.. well mine was chosen! Not that its so amazing but still.. lol So make sure you look for it!, it was friday so it was just an all together good day :) Lets hope all of next week is like that.

So I FINALLY took my 5 hour course with Ronnie today.. WOW was it so friggin boring, if I didnt have Ronnie their I woulda died lol We went to Pizza Hut for lunch, and got personnal pan pizza's.. Ronnie took a huge bite outta mine but I forgave him ;-) lol Then we hungout all day which was very very nice.. it's nice to have a day like today =D Too bad it couldn't be everyday

Hmm.. what else to say...

Next friday is a dance! which will obviously be awesome. And as of right now I am going to sign up for my road test!! =D

I Love You Ronnie Perks :)
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