KeepingTacoma Gay...

Nov 17, 2007 18:04

If anyone is in a gay band, knows a gay band or does someone in a gay band...
Out In Tacoma, the folks that put on Tacoma's Gay Pride event are looking for bands that are awesome and allies. If you are gay and in a band we want to hear from you especially, because role models are always needed. Not gay, but would love to play anyway? Okay! (That was fun.)
We are looking for folks willing to donate their time if we set up the gig. We have a couple fundraiser ideas (before July) and are always looking for live local bands for Pride's mainstage. Last year alone we had over 4,000 folks in Wright Park and it's only gonna get bigger!
We are scouting venues now. Hot boys with Casios and hotter girls with accordions *sigh* encouraged.
Entertainment Committee
stephanie at outintacoma dot org

Oh and please pass this on to anyone you might know that would be interested. Thanks!!! XXOOXX

Out In The Park
11th Annual Pride Event
July 12, 2008
Wright Park, Tacoma
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