Ehmry's Visit

Sep 04, 2005 13:03

Ehmry (Kenard for you SV'rs out there) visited this week. Pretty fun. Got to play alot of games, talk about college, gaming, anime, stuff like that. Funny too, because he's GREAT when he's drunk XD. He also had some fun experiences... yeah. I'll leave it at that. Also went to a strip club with him, which was pretty fun, because he blew a bunch of money on lap dances and whatnot. It's good to have a girlfriend who's friends with strippers, I guess.

I got a little jealous at times with him and Sarah hanging out, but nothing to worry about. Now I've got girl all to myself again. o_o

I've also been working on SoGMud (Finally). EF got boring for me, because they assigned me this project that was really retarded (basically, building the entire overland area beyond Tule and next to Tycoon, which is roughly like 800 rooms of nothing), which was not even my project. So, now I'm working on SoGMud anyways, and I decided to script the entire mudlib in mIRC. With the help of Gohan, I've managed to get moving between rooms, communication, and atleast viewable objects and mobs to work. Next on the list is actually picking up stuff, then mobs afterwards. I appreciate any help.

That's about all really. Thanks for reading. :D
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