Blessed be His name

Jul 01, 2007 13:42

Here's another thought for you.  Job 1:21 Job says, "Naked I entered the womb, and naked I shall return.  The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away..."  Many times we find ourselves getting something in our lives that makes us very happy.  We thank God for it every time we pray. It could be a car.  It could be a friend, or a loved one.  I could be some material possession, or job position.  It could be a girl friend, or for women, a boy friend.  It could be a great many things.  We thank God for them, and they make us very happy.  Then God takes away that source of happiness.  Your girlfriend breaks up with you.  God takes that loved one home.  You lose your job.  Your car breaks down.  Happiness turns to depression.  Love turns into bitterness.  Thanks turns into emptiness.  We don't know how to function without that thing.  We got so used to thanking him for that thing, now that it's gone, we think of it, and it brings pain.

But Job had a secret.  Job knew how to thank God.  He didn't live in circumstantial happiness, only thanking God for his circumstances, though there's nothing wrong with thanking God for what you have.  But Job blessed God's name.  He thanked God for His name, which means His character, and His nature.  Job was dwelling on the character of God, and the nature of God, and that blessed him.  That's what he thanked God for, and it's the source of our joy.  Joy doesn't depend on what's happening around us, but joy is found inside of us.  The Lord gave my children, and the Lord took them all away.  The Lord gave my cattle, and the Lord took them all away.  The name of the Lord is worthy of our praise Ps 7:17.  The name of the Lord is what we trust in Ps 20:7. The name of the Lord is our help Ps 124:8.  The name of the Lord is a strong tower Prov 18:10. The name of the Lord brings salvation Acts 2:21.  We thank Him and praise Him for His name, and that gives us strength in joy through our problems.

In Christ,

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