#133: Jjang Dating

Sep 12, 2014 20:10

Prompt: #133
Title:Jjang Dating
Wordcount: 3.5k
Summary: Jongdae wants to help people with their dating problems but Sehun just wants to date Jongdae.

“M-me? With him?” Sehun is not breathing as he stared at the bright-eyed, brown haired boy from the corner of his eyes. )

pairing: chen/sehun, 2: chen's birthday 2014, rating: pg-13

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Comments 7

piichoco September 12 2014, 15:52:10 UTC
you had me at your summary.
and. and. LMAO SEHUN YOU CANT PASS OUT JUST LIKE THAT. jongdae must be really sexy, then.
and ehehehhehe the closing part is cute... i like it!


woohyunized October 24 2014, 20:41:25 UTC
ahh hello sorry i never got to reply till now! thank you very much for reading my fic!


xkeirafanx September 13 2014, 10:23:33 UTC
I admit I had to laugh a little at a few of Sehun's discomfort moments, it was simply too amusing.

Jongdae is insane, really, what does he think he can demonstrate lap dance on Sehun, on a show, without them ever talking about those things being okay or not. Well, then again, Jongdae is obnoxious like that. I have a feeling he is going to be the bossy one in this relationship xD


woohyunized October 24 2014, 20:43:46 UTC
ahh yes awkward sehun is def one of the best, i agree! jongdae might be insane, but really would you complain if he offered a lap dance? B)


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woohyunized October 24 2014, 20:44:39 UTC
hello dear reader, im glad you enjoyed my fic! thanks for your comment, it means a lot to me ♥


dailanche September 23 2014, 08:49:41 UTC
Dear author-nim woohyunized

Let me scream author-nim! LET ME JUST SCREAM! This was exactly what I had in mind with this prompt. Shy, bashful, so-not-amused Sehun and sassy, skinshiplover, over-the-top-funky Jongdae.

I laughed from beginning to end and I loved every line! Poor Sehun, his inner thoughts are so funny and I love how you feel his attraction under all his confusion. But man, Jongdae really takes the cake. His lapdance lesson: I died!

Thank you so much for writing this and making me smile. This has been the highlight of my day!

PS: woohyunized? are you perhaps a woohyun stan too? SCREAMS SOME MORE!!!!!


woohyunized October 1 2014, 03:26:42 UTC
hello!!! yay im really glad you liked it!! thank you for your adorable prompt, i loved writing it!
ps: yes indeed i stan dorky af woohyun :/


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