#348: It All Started With Coffee

Sep 11, 2014 20:15

Prompt: #348
Title: It All Started With Coffee
Pairing: xiumin / chen
Rating: r
Word count: > 4000 words
Summary: It all started with Minseo coming into work late.
Author's note: hello! i hope you like the fic ehe ; w ;

“Good morning, Jungda! I’m sorry I’m late!”
“Good morning to you too Miss Kim, and it’s al - O-oh.”

Well, fuck. The first thing Jungda sees when she turns around to properly greet her boss was black and white. No, she didn’t black out or whatever. What she saw was her boss’ black lacy bra peeking out from her blouse, and the top of her pale white breasts exposed.

It was no secret to everyone in the office that Jungda loves breasts of all shapes and sizes. Almost every woman who has worked or is still working in the office had at least got her breasts, or lack thereof, squeezed by the tiny woman at least once.

But everyone also knows she loves her boss’ boobs. A nice pair of D-cups, her tight blouses always showing off her wonderful breasts. She could write an essay for how much she loved her boss’ boobs and how much she wanted to touch them more. She could also write about her “little” crush on her boss and about how perfect she was.

She snaps out of her daze as she hears some snickers coming from her coworkers. Her face flushes out of embarrassment because ‘Oh my god, I was just caught staring at my boss’ boobs someone help me’.

“Did something happen? Why is your blouse… unbuttoned?” She asks slowly, scared to let any hint out that she was staring at her boss’ breasts. The rushing woman stopped in front of Jungda’s desk, looking down.

“Oh! I spilled coffee on my blouse, so I decided to unbutton it!” She sounded way too enthusiastic for someone who just spilled coffee on herself, Jungda noted.

“I-I see. Well,” Jungda takes a stack of papers from her desk. “Here are some papers that need to be looked through.” She says, handing it over to her boss, an awkward smile on her face. This is not how she expected her morning to go. Her boss thanked her and after taking the papers, headed into her office.

The secretary was… surprised at how her morning ended up becoming, but this would be the only time it would happen, she thought. This wouldn’t happen again. She chanted that to herself to try and calm herself down, before sitting down and getting back to work on her laptop.

Oh, she was so wrong.

“Gaah, Kyungri!” Jungda sighs and lets her head fall onto the table. It was lunch break, and Kyungri, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jungda went to their normal lunch place; a quaint café with a lovely old couple who enjoyed giving them discounts because they came so often.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were off ordering, so it was up to Kyungri to help her friend feel better. They all took turns in pepping Jungda into going back to the office after the morning fiasco of seeing Kim Minseo’s boobs again. No one could deny that there was definitely some sexual tension between the boss and her secretary ever since the first Minseo came in to the office, her blouse unbuttoned up to the fourth button.

“Kyungri!” She wails again. “I don’t know if I can do it anymore! It’s the sixth time she’s done this! And she keeps passing it off as spilling coffee on her blouse! How many times will she spill coffee on herself?! Why is she doing this anyway?! Is she trying to lure me into something?! Kyungriii! I don’t want to go back!”

The wide-eyed woman sitting across the wailing one sighed internally. This was going to be hard. How was she supposed to cheer the woman up?

“Listen, Jungda…” Kyungri places her hand on the other’s head, which was still lying on the table. “It’s hard, I know, but you need to get through it and go back. If you don’t go back, Minseo’s gonna be a wreck again. She prefers you as her secretary, you know. You may not know why she does this to you, but no one can deny she needs you.”

Jungda sighs and lifts her head from the table. She has to go back. She still remembers the time she called in sick once and Minseo was left to do everything. It did not go well, in fact, it went horrible, and that day, she promised herself that she would try her best to go to work everyday. Mumbling a quiet “I’ll go back…”, she sighed once more and sat upright.

Why Minseo was doing this to her, she didn’t know. Does she know about the tiny, tiny crush Jungda has on her? She wasn’t that obvious, was she? Or maybe she just liked to fool around on how much Jungda liked breasts. But why would she want to do that? Jungda ponders on the possible reasons as their two friends come back from the counter, two trays with two plates on each.

“Food’s here!” Baekhyun happily says, both him and Chanyeol putting plates of food in front of their respective seats. Taking their seats, instead of eating, they turn to Jungda and stare at her, as if expecting something.

She immediately feels their stares on her, and faces them. “Do you guys need anything?” Baekhyun scoffs at her question, knowing that she was just playing dumb.
“You know what we want! Details about you and Minseo.” At the mention of her boss’ name, Jungda’s face reddens.

“Oh my god, Jungda’s red!” Chanyeol points out, laughing at her face. Baekhyun laughs along with Chanyeol while Kyungri pats the back of the blushing woman. Jungda has fallen in the hole that is Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s invasive gossiping, and she may never get out of it. The least she could do is try and comfort the woman.

The two continue to laugh, Jungda’s face continues to be red and Kyungri continues to pat her back. “Anyway!” Baekhyun says, his eyes watery from laughing too much. “Let’s get back to the topic which is what is happening between you and Minseo. You two have so much sexual tension, even everyone else in the office can feel it. We don’t even know if it’s sexual or romantic tension. I have no idea if romantic tension exists, but if it does, you two are showing it.”

Despite how much Jungda wanted to deny it, she couldn’t. It was true that there was so much sexual tension between the two of them ever since the first time Minseo came into work looking like that. It doesn’t help that they’ve been toeing the lines of professionalism. Minseo’s been giving her gifts, or cooing over her and with touches very low and close making-out-in-the-office moments. Especially the latter. There’s more of that than Jungda would like to admit.

“W-well…” Jungda starts, her voice soft, Baekhyun and Chanyeol having to move closer to hear her. “Nothing much has happened. We work normally as how we did before.” It was pretty obvious she was lying; everyone also knew that they don’t work as they did before. Everyone knew almost everything about what’s happening between the two.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol look at each other, as if to both agree on something. “That’s bullshit and you know it.” Chanyeol says, judgment in his voice.

“I-It’s not!” She tries to defend herself.

“It is!” They say, louder.

Jungda pouts because she knows there’s no point in fighting against these two. One of them bothering you for information is already annoying; having two of them bother you for information is going to be a nightmare.

“Fine.” She admits defeat, sighing. She pokes her food with her fork, her food untouched ever since Baekhyun asked her about Minseo. “Minseo… She’s been getting clingier lately. She likes to, well, touch my butt or place her hand on my thigh when we sit next to each other. She also likes to hug me whenever she comes out of her office.” She explains to her friends, her face reddening once again from the thought of those things coming back. “She’s also been telling me how cute I am, and how much she wants to pinch my cheeks or to kiss me and she’s been buying me gifts sometimes.” She looks up from her plate of untouched food after explaining, and find the three of them smirking at her. Yes, yes, even Kyungri, the one who could really give less than a shit about other people’s love lives.

“What?” She asks.

“She totally likes you! She’s trying to get you to notice her so that you’d ask her out!” Baekhyun exclaims, pointing his fork at Jungda. The other two nod, agreeing with him.

Her face feels hot. “Why would she want me to notice her? I already notice her! I work with her.”

They all shake their heads, sighing at the woman’s innocence. It was cute, but not what they needed right now.

“That doesn’t matter! What does matter is the fact that she wants to date you!” Chanyeol says, tut-tutting at the woman across him.

Jungda stays silent and thinks about that small chance that maybe Minseo does like her too and her feelings aren’t a one-sided thing. It would explain why she’s been doing all of these things.

“No!” She shakes her head. “Why would Minseo like me? I don’t do anything special… Now can we stop talking about it? Lunch is almost over and I haven’t eaten yet!” She pouts, using the untouched food as an excuse to stop talking about it. Her friends, especially Baekhyun, looked like they wanted to say something, but instead, went to eat their food like she did, understanding why she wanted to stop. They weren’t best friends for nothing.

Meanwhile, in a family restaurant a few blocks away…

“This is so frustrating!” Minseo complains, sighing. Getting her assistant to see her in a more romantic (if you could call the tactics Minseo uses romantic) way is frustrating, especially when her assistant is quite the naïve woman. She’s pretty sure she could corner Jungda onto a wall and straight out tell her how she feels, and she still wouldn’t get the idea.

“Oh god, Junmi.” Lu hai sighs, shaking her head. “It’s another one of those ‘Jungda doesn’t see me the way I want her to see me and it makes me sad’ speech again.” If looks could kill, Lu hai would be dead with how hard Minseo was glaring at her.

“Hey now, let’s listen to what she has to say.” Oh Junmi, always the peacemaker.

“Why~?” Lu hai whines, drawing out the short word. “It’s just the same thing anyway! She complains about Jungda not noticing, with a bit of cooing over whatever Jungda does, then she thinks about new ways, which end up not working because as we have all agreed on, Jungda is naïve as fuck.” Junmi couldn’t disagree; because she also knows that’s how Minseo’s speeches go.

“Thanks for being such a great friend, Lu hai.” Minseo says, sarcasm evident in her voice. Lu hai flashes her the innocent smile that normally has people fooled, but Minseo’s seen that smile too many times. It’s that smile that makes you think someone is such an innocent person, and then they end up being the reincarnate of Satan.

“Don’t worry Minseo, she’s bound to notice soon! …We hope.” Junmi says, trying to cheer her up, but a tiny hint of uncertainty in her voice. Jungda’s a pretty slow girl.

“Why don’t you guys help me then?!” Minseo wails. She’s tried everything, starting from that little stunt with the coffee (not really true, but she needed an excuse to come to work like that) to gifts and blatantly treating her different from her other coworkers. She’s pretty sure some of them hate her because of her blatant favoritism over Jungda.


“Just keep doing what you’re doing is my advice for you.” Lu hai says, nodding. “It can end in two ways, either she takes an interest in you, or ends up quitting because you were too creepy.” She focuses her attention on the food coming towards their table now, her mind completely drifting off from Minseo’s predicament.

“…I really don’t know what to say, so I’ll just agree with Lu hai.” Junmi nods, flashing an apologetic smile to Minseo, as if wishing her good luck and saying sorry that your crush is slow as a snail.

Minseo internally sighed. Why did her crush have to be so blind to her affections?

“Coffee…” Jungda murmurs to herself as she walks into the break room. She overslept, having went out with friends the night before. It probably wasn’t the best idea to go out until late night on a weekday, but Jungda could never refuse when her friends said that they would go to karaoke. She needed to defend her title as reigning karaoke champion.

When she goes in, she sees Minseo, her blouse luckily buttoned up all the way, with a sandwich in her mouth. Her eyes turned into crescents once she saw Jungda, now taking the sandwich out of her mouth.


“Good morning, Minseo.”

Jungda heads to the water dispenser, taking a cup and filling it with hot water. Taking one of the coffee packets beside it, she pours it into the hot water once it’s filled. While she does this, arms wrap themselves around her waist and a body rests on her back, Minseo’s face popping out from behind her and resting itself on her shoulder.

“Are you tired?” She asks, a light laugh escaping her lips as her cheeks redden, her hands busy with mixing the coffee. Despite Minseo doing this a lot, she always ends up blushing.

“Nope, I just like hugging you.”

That short reply causes Jungda’s face to heat up. Jungda takes a sip of her coffee to try and cover up the redness of her face with the coffee being too hot. Meanwhile, Minseo chuckles at seeing Jungda’s red face. Jungda was always adorable when she was shy and blushing.

“Well,” Minseo starts, unwrapping her arms from her secretary’s waist. “I’ll go back to my office now. Enjoy your coffee, dear, and don’t forget to send me the reports!” She smiles, pecking Jungda on the cheek before walking out.

Jungda stands still, drinking her coffee, in complete contrast to her inner turmoil. Minseo’s been doing this for quite some time, and yet her insides go to mush and butterflies come to her stomach every time she does that.

“Jungda, I need you to photocopy these. Eight pieces each. It’s for the next meeting.” Baekhyun plops a bunch of papers onto her desk, disrupting the woman’s typing.

“Why can’t you do it?” She asks, looking at him skeptically. Baekhyun’s dumb, but he isn’t that dumb to the point he can’t operate the photocopier.

“Because I have other reports to do!” Baekhyun retorts.

“I have reports to do too!”

“I have more!”

Jungda sighs. There’s no point in trying to reason with Baekhyun, especially when he’s so insistent.

“Alright, alright.” She takes the papers and heads to the photocopier room, not before giving Baekhyun a judging stare, which he replies with a happy smile. She heads to one of the photocopiers when she gets there, placing one of the papers and photocopying it.

While she’s photocopying, Minseo walks in with a few papers in hand. “There you are, Jungda!” She says, moving next to Jungda. “I was looking for you. I need you to photocopy some things.”

“Ah, of course! Just leave it here, I’m photocopying Baekhyun’s stuff too.”

“Why isn’t Baekhyun doing that himself?”

“Because he has more reports to do, he said.”

“Really now. Well, I’ll just photocopy it myself.” Minseo takes her papers and heads to the other photocopier, doing the exact same thing as Jungda. They stay in silence until Jungda finishes and slides to Minseo’s side. “Do you need any help?” Jungda asks.

“Nah, I’m fine. Thanks for asking!” Minseo replies. Other people start coming into the room, greeting the two women in the room. “You can go first.” She says, patting Jungda’s butt before going back to what she was doing.

It takes a while for Jungda to process what Minseo just did. ‘She touched my butt… In front of other people.’ She quietly said to herself, before leaving the room, not making a sound. She’s pretty sure that her other coworkers saw what Minseo did.

And she was right. Back in the photocopier room, the people who had just arrived looked at each other knowingly, smirks on their faces. Oh they had another story to add to the “Minseo and Jungda’s Sexual Tension” collection.

“These came in just now, but we have to prioritize them first because they’re pretty important…” Jungda explains to Minseo, showing her the meetings they have to schedule and the presentations they have to prepare.

Minseo simply kept nodding, taking in all the information. “Jungda…”

“Yes?” Jungda replies, not looking at Minseo, instead looking through the papers she had in her hands.
“Sit on my lap.”

That caused Jungda to look at her.

“U-um, why?”

“Because I feel like I’ll be able to concentrate more with you on my lap.”

This didn’t seem very professional to Jungda. But then again, when has this office ever been professional with each other?

Jungda moves in front of Minseo, slowly sitting down on her boss’ lap. ‘Minseo has really comfy thighs.’ Jungda thinks. ‘Jungda has a really soft butt.’ Minseo thinks.

“Anyway…” They continue with their discussion on proposals and plans, when Lu hai walks in, her laptop in hand. She takes one look at the two on the chair, and shakes her head.

“It’s really a question why you two aren’t dating yet.” And with those words, Lu hai leaves the room.

“A-ah… I think Lu hai was going to talk to you about something… Should I go?” Jungda asks, making a move to get off, but Minseo’s arms quickly wrap around her waist, stopping her.

“Lu hai’s dumb, and I can talk to her about it later. My main priority is you.”

When Minseo says things like that, like My main priority is you or You’re the cutest person I’ve ever met, it seems like she has no problem saying it. But when Jungda hears it, she gets nervous and the butterflies in her stomach act up.

“A-ah… Okay…” Jungda says, trying as much as possible to make her voice sound as normal as possible. Minseo notices her effort, and chuckles. Jungda is always so cute. She pecks Jungda on the corner of her lip, the corner that makes her look like a kitty, and smiles at the younger girl’s heated face.

“I’m staying late with Minseo to finish some reports.” Jungda explains to her three closest friends in the office. “I’m really really sorry, Kyungri!” She hugs Kyungri tightly. Of all the days she had to work overtime and do reports, it was a Friday night, but not just any Friday night, it’s the night where she could have met Kyungri’s boyfriend! It’s amazing that Kyungri, the one who cares about a partner or finding a lover the least, gets into a relationship.

“Don't worry about it.” Kyungri pats her friend’s back. “You’ll meet him next time. I promise.”

“Okay… Anyway, have fun!” Jungda bids her friends goodbye, as they leave the office and she goes back into it. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this, but this is the first time that Jungda actually had something to do afterwards. She heads to the meeting room where Minseo and a stack of reports are waiting for her, and they both get to work once she gets back.

“I’m really sorry, Jungda.” Minseo says while taking papers from the large stack of papers in the middle of the meeting table they were using. “You had something to do tonight, right?”

Jungda shakes her head. “Oh, it’s okay! There are more chances of doing that next time. Besides, it would be really mean to leave you with all the work, so I don’t really mind.”
“That’s good to hear. I was worrying that you were irritated on the inside. I don’t really like overtimes, but since I’m with you, I don’t really mind.”

Jungda’s face heats up as she bends her head down to hide her really red face. Butterflies were crazily fluttering in her stomach, and she couldn’t concentrate so much, her brain focusing more on the fact that Minseo just said that she didn’t mind overtimes when it was with her rather on than the reports.

They stay silent for a while, Jungda not being able to say anything back.

A few hours into the night, around ten in the night, they order Chinese takeout from a nearby 24-hour Chinese fast food place, and take a break from their stack of reports, which has lessened.

“Minseo, can I ask you a question?” Jungda says, a bit of nervousness in her voice.


“Why do you keep… um, flirting with me?” Jungda asks, her face red as a tomato, all her attention focused on the report in front of her.

‘Baby, why are you so slow?!’ Minseo thinks to herself. “Well, Jungda… It’s because I may have a little crush on you.” She finally says it. She seems calm and collected outside, but on the inside it’s an entirely different story.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer! I mean - Wait, what?”

“I have a crush on you. I’ve been trying to get your attention through all of these things I’ve been doing.”

So Baekhyun, Kyungri and Chanyeol were right. “R-really? Well… I may have a crush on you too.”

Minseo stays quiet, in shock. Jungda likes her back? It was hard for her to believe.

“Really? I mean, I would have thought that you might have thought of me as a creep, because I kept doing things and all that and Lu hai said that there was a possibility that…” Minseo kept rambling, the nervousness from a while ago finally coming out. Too caught up in her nervousness, she didn’t notice her secretary walking to her, and only notices Jungda when she’s about inches away from her.

“I’m glad you’re nervous, because I’m pretty nervous too.” Jungda says, before planting a soft kiss onto Minseo’s lips. Minseo stays shocked for a while, before returning the favor in a much more heated kiss.

How their night ended? Let’s just say that the reports weren’t the only things being done that night.

When everyone else came into work, they were surprised to find Jungda and Minseo missing. Those two were always the first ones to come into the office.

“Do you think something happened to the two of them?” Baekhyun asks Chanyeol, as he fixes up his desk for another day of work.

“I have no idea, to be honest.” Chanyeol replies, and at that moment, Jungda and Minseo come into the office. “Wait wait, they came together… Something happened last night, I’m sure of it.”

“It doesn’t seem like it… They still act the same as they did before.” Baekhyun says, watching them go to their respective desks, Jungda talking to Minseo and handing her papers before she goes into her office. But what Minseo does shocks Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and everyone else.

Minseo pulls Jungda in for a kiss, kissing her for a few seconds before pulling away and going into her office, a skip in her step. Everyone stares at each other, obviously in shock, then stare at Jungda. Jungda simply gives them a shy smile and sits down to work.

“They… She… Oh my god.” Baekhyun manages to say.

“Did Jungda sleep over at Minseo’s? Did Minseo sleep over at Jungda’s? What the hell happened last night?” Chanyeol questions everything. Last night they were just boss-secretary, and the next morning, they’re girlfriends?
“We need to step up our game. We always thought that either of those two would be the last to get partners, but no, apparently it’s either of us now.” Baekhyun says.

“It’s not either of us, it’s you.” Chanyeol snickers, sitting down to finish his work.

“You little shit.”

pairing: chen/xiumin, 2: chen's birthday 2014, rating: r

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