About sleep

Jun 13, 2011 08:38

Since this morning I have woken up before Smiles, I will write one of the posts that's been in my head! (Alas my sleep was not good last night, but neither was hers)

The thing that will make the biggest difference in my life right now is good sleep. Happily Smiles is sleeping through the night these days. (Ok, something woke her up last night at 3am, but she goes back to sleep without nursing when that sort of thing happens now, which means she's ringrose's problem.)

Things I shall do to get good sleep:
- No screen time after 9pm (By which I really mean, no starting tv or picking up the computer after 9pm, and definitely stopping before 10pm)
- All eating within 12 hours of waking (and/or going to bed hungry)
- After two nights of bad sleep, take benedryl
- No naps (unless they are absolutely necessary)

Things that might also help
- Getting good exercise
- paying more attention to caffeine intake
- paying more attention to water intake before bed
- paying more attention to my body

The thing that is interrupting my sleep right now is the cold that won't die, so I'm applying nuclear measures to it.

resolved, body

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