(no subject)

Sep 08, 2006 20:10

1. First thing you did this morning?
wash my face. im always so freaking tired in the morning that i cant open my eyes, so i have to rinse water on my face.

2. Last thing you ate?

3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?
ehh its pretty good. i'm getting a new one soon!

4. What's something you look forward to in the next 7 days?
hehe the same thing as diana! its a secret.

5. What's annoying you right now?
im fucking tired...and alot of homework plus practicing violin!

6. What's the last movie you saw in theatre?
hah, i havent been to the movies in foreverrr.

7. Do you believe in long distance relationships?
uhm, i dont know. not particulary, because its too difficult.

8. Is there someone on your mind right now?
hmm sort of. i think about alot of people all the time.

9. Where is the last place you went?
pba, had to drop something off for mr clifford

10. Who is the last person you called?

11. Do you look more like your mom or dad?
ehh i dont know now. i used to look alot like my mom couple years ago, and than maybe a year ago people said i looked like both my mom and dad, but now everyone says i look like my aunt! (dad's sister) ahh!

12. Do you have any siblings?
dos hermanos

13. Do you smile often?
ehh to an extent. it depends on the situation you know?

14. Do you think someone is thinking of you right now?
maybe. i hope! =P

15. Choose one to have [love, beauty, creativity]?

16. Do you wish on stars?
yeah, haha lame. only when i actually go out at night though, which is rarely

17. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
nope. too lazy

18. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten?
this fried fish egg stuff that actually looks like a piece of chocolate. its gross, but my dad is crazy about it.

19. Would you kill someone?
never! that would be a terrible mistake.

20. When did you last cry?
i have no idea.

21. Do you like your handwriting?
ehh not in particular, but i write really fast so i guess thats good. but i like being a lefty!!

22. Are you a friendly person?

24. Whose bed did you sleep in last night?

25. What color shirt are you wearing?
blue like the sky

26. Do you have any pets?
2 parakeets. they are so chunkle

27. What is the color of your bed sheets?
haha its hello kitty.

29. When is the last time you saw your mom and dad?
mom--an hour ago dad--wednesday

30. Is Tom on your friends list?

31. Have you ever been in love?
nope, i hope soon though

34. Is there a song that makes you cry?
hmm...land before time song! haha

35. Are you a normally happy person?
hmm. in the middle.

36. Is your self-esteem extremely low?
sometimes. it depends on the situation. most of the time im okay

37. What color are your eyes?
coffee brown. i have colored contacts now.

38. Is your hair long or short?

39. Are you looking for a relationship NOW?
uhmm...sorta. i kinda want a boyfriend, but mostly i just want someone i can be really close with.

40. Are you ticklish?
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