
May 21, 2006 23:47

wow. the dance was incredible and everyone looked amazing. im really happy that i went. sonia deborah and i had an awards ceremony/performance before the dance so we had to leave early. i got a ride with deborah and we had to leave earlier than i expected cuz deborah had to buy a razor.
haha, so deborah and i got to diana's house at like 4:45. i decided not to go to teddy's because i was like the only chen/asian that was invited and i didnt want diana yishui and deborah to be alone. =P but basically, deborah got an uber expensive dress and her mom wanted her to put it on right when we got to gu's. it was kinda rude since her dress was like the most expensive and prettiest out of all of ours and it was sorta like comparing. ughh u know asians. "my daughter's dress is prettier than yours!"

but yeah for the next like 2 hrs hours diana's mom did deborah's hair and makeup and diana me and yishui just sorta did our own makeup, hair, and watched tv. sorta hyporcrtical how like 2 weeks ago, my mom asked deborah if she was going to wear makeup and she was like "of course not, why would i wear makeup? i never wear it anyways...besides, i dont want to make a big deal out of this dance..." turns out her dress and shoes was like 200$ total and she bought a bunch of makeup too.

like in the last 15 mins diana's mom applied like some light eye shadow and blush and this glittery stuff. we tried doing different styles with my hair, but in the end we decided it looked better just down.

aw, i wish diana's house would have been more than just makeup makeup makeup and deborah deborah deborah.

so we drove to the dance in a van! haha that was pretty awesome.

at the dance i was like scared to start dancing but than i started to loosen up and it was really fun. i tangoed with troy! haha, he like forced me to twirl around, and he like hit chloe really hard in the head! haha poor chloe but it was sorta funny. i danced a little with luke, but the thing is when u dance with him, it feels like ur not moving well enuff cuz he gets pretty crazy. haha, i danced with like just about everyone. it was really fun! i got deborah and diana to dance a little! i have to say, Jeremy and Andrew look extremely cute when they dance. Zach Hudson started grinding on me and i was like wtf but it was funny. he grinded on just about everyone tho, and he put his sweat rag over my eyes! it was really gross!

went to city place afterwards with sonia diana jessica and danny. haha that was cool, eating at the cheesecake factory at like 11:30. yummy except the bufflo sonia and i shared was like uber salty and spicy. blekkk. took a couple of pictures together too! yay for FOB pictures!!

my mom and bro picked me up and we got home at like 12:30.

yay for the dance! it was simply amazing.
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