May 02, 2007 11:46
1. So, I seriously am loving this Seekrit iPod Listening Tiemz at work. I am getting SO much done (especially all the boring data entry). I finished all of Alabama's item requests for April, all of USA's for April, and am working on Canada's. After this I will whip through the few short requests for May that have already come in, then consult with Cathy about how to make this damn VE stuff link up into a report for the upper guys. After lunch, though.
2. I think I may be going to the store on lunch, so that I don't have to do so after work (and thus have no time limit, and thus increase my risk for buying things I don't need). We need a fan for the bedroom, because the bedroom is the last room in the house to get AC/heat because of the way the vents are set up. So yesterday when it was 87 degrees (1 degree away from setting a record), the bedroom was a good 15 degrees hotter than everywhere else in the house. A lot of the discomfort could have been lessened simply by having some moving air, so I'm going to get an oscillating stand fan.
3. Heather has the stomach flu. She came in anyway, because she is stupid. I don't mean that unkindly, but if she'd just take care of herself she wouldn't keep having relapses and always be on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Also, I seriously will throttle her if she gives me the flu. I am not even joking.
It has been relatively quiet at work, which is nice. I want to type things up that I wrote by hand, but doing so in email is a very bad idea; it's NSFW potentially, and that's not something I need sitting in my email to be potentially retrieved in the next 60 days by the IS department. I'm already running risks as it is by having non-objectionable stuff sent to my home email address.
4. I got several cds loaded onto iTunes last night. Organizing those things is a nightmare though; I wish you could just put everything in folders, you know? I'll eventually have everything in a playlist, but there's a lot of random crap that I might not even be able to play (permissions issue with iTunes), stuff I don't want to get rid of but probably will never choose to listen to, etc. Getting rid of data files is a big problem for me; I don't want to. I don't want to get rid of books, music, pictures, or spreadsheets/Word files, that sort of thing. Very pack-ratty. Not very good.
It was also stupid hot up there, but I still got through about 18 cds, I think. Hardly made a dent in my collection, but if I organize the cds as I burn them, I have a chance of keeping a handle on the songs.
5. While burning (and burning), I typed up some loose sheets of the Exalt fic I've been writing. It's only a few pages, but having copies eases my mind. Maybe tonight I'll finish up typing it and file it away, then post it under my filter (which you can join if you like; just let me know. I won't post things publicly because of the possibility of copying, outright theft, etc., but I trust y'all.) here. Once I finish that, I can do some more work on the AB fic I was writing ages ago.
All this reading is getting my muses going, and the increase in music is helping. I'm suddenly having those daydreams again, and the urge to get it out onto paper becomes more insistent every day. It's something I haven't felt for a long time, and I'm not sure how to balance it with my knitting, my cleaning, my Nyte...but it'll all work out somehow. Or I'll go crazy. Whatever.
6. It's lunchtime, yay! I have no foods. Shall have to fetch it.