On Camera

Jan 12, 2015 01:54

Title: On Camera
Pairing: Kyungsoo-centric
Rating: NC-17
Length: 1620w
Warning: masturbation, use of toys, sort of voyeurism
Summary: Kyungsoo auditions for one of the top companies in the porn industry.
A/N: Happy birthday, Kyungsoo!

It’s the day of the interview and while Kyungsoo thinks he’ll do well, he has to admit he still feels a little nervous. When others go for job interviews, they would probably wear a suit and tie to impress their potential employers. Not Kyungsoo. He puts on a simple pair of dark jeans and a black shirt, knowing he’d have to take them off once he’s inside the interview room anyway.

Kyungsoo had spent the previous night watching videos from the company he’s auditioning for and he had realised that their stars are all exceptional on camera and that’s probably why they’re one of the top companies in the industry. He wonders if he’ll be accepted because it’s his first time doing something like this. What if he screws up? What if the panel of interviewers are unimpressed with his performance?

No. He’ll definitely do well.

The trip to the company is only a few subway stations away and Kyungsoo gets there in half an hour. He follows the directions from the paper in his hand that Yixing, the man who had offered him the job when they met in a club a few nights before, had given him and walks from the subway station. The office is situated in a normal building with other normal offices surrounding it and he wonders if he’s in the right place.

A glance at the sign next to the double glass doors confirms that Kyungsoo is indeed at the right office and he pushes one of the doors open, walking up to the front desk and clearing his throat in front of the receptionist who’s too busy looking through his phone.

“May I help you?” the receptionist greets Kyungsoo.

“I’m Do Kyungsoo. I’m here for an interview,” Kyungsoo introduces himself, rocking himself on the balls of his feet.

Now that he’s in the office itself, he’s starting to feel a little bit more than just nervous but he tries not to show it. He waits as the receptionist checks on her computer and when she stands up, Kyungsoo mentally readies himself for his interview. He's led to a plain white room and the moment he enters, he sees Yixing standing in the middle of the room and fiddling with a camera, couch sitting at the other corner of the room.

"Hello, Mr Zhang," Kyungsoo greets, bowing ninety degrees as Yixing looks up and smiles at him.

"Call me Yixing," Yixing replies, making some final adjustments to the video camera before he comes forward and pushes Kyungsoo towards the couch. "I'm sure you've masturbated before?"

"Uh, yes," Kyungsoo answers, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay, good. I'll need you to masturbate while I film you so I can judge your performance and decide whether I want to take you in. If you're comfortable with using toys, they're in that box beside that couch," Yixing explains.

Kyungsoo nods to show that he understands and walks towards the box, opening it and rummaging through its contents to find a lot of toys he hasn't seen before but he shouldn't be surprised. He picks those he's used before and he hopes Yixing wouldn't mind as he pulls out a dildo and a bottle of lube. He would go the extra mile and choose another toy that's more exciting but he doesn't want to risk hurting himself, even if he does want to ace this interview.

"Ready whenever you are," Yixing calls out from behind the camera.

Kyungsoo peels off his clothes, folds them neatly and puts them away to make sure they're not seen on camera. He feels self-conscious as he walks back to the couch stark naked but he tries to look confident. A porn star should be confident.

"I'm ready," Kyungsoo says as he sits on the couch, cock still flaccid with the toys beside him.

"And action," Yixing announces, pushing the record button on the camera.

Kyungsoo immediately ignores Yixing's presence and pretends that he's not behind the camera and filming him. He pretends that he's in his usual setting - in his room with his door locked and lights off, sitting in front of his laptop with his headphones plugged in.

Kyungsoo wraps his hand around his still flaccid cock, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of his hand on himself. He starts with slow strokes and feels his blood going down south, filling his cock and making him stand erect in a matter of minutes. His hand speeds up and Kyungsoo lets out a low moan but loud enough for it to be heard on camera, opening his eyes to watch his pre-cum ooze out from the slit at the head of his dick. He thumbs at the slit, spreading his pre-cum to make for easier strokes while groaning as his hand goes even faster.

His cock is an angry red and curving up now and Kyungsoo brings his other hand down to fondle with his balls, lightly squeezing and mewling when he feels the pressure building up in his tummy. The hand around his cock tightens its grip and the camera appears in his view, Yixing moving closer to him to film the pre-cum coming out of his slit. Kyungsoo swipes at the head of his cock and the pre-cum makes his cock wet and glisten under the lighting in the room.

Kyungsoo slides down the couch, taking one hand off of himself to reach over for the lube and he momentarily uses both hands to open the cap and squeezes some of the lube on his fingers, coating three of them in copious amounts of lube to make the breach easier. He throws the bottle of lube aside and brings his legs up, displaying his pink puckering hole for the camera and he hears Yixing let out a low whistle, letting him know that he's doing great. Kyungsoo tries to hide his smile as he brings his slicked fingers down to his hole, inserting one finger. It's tight around his finger and he moans loudly, feeling his own ass clench around his finger because it's been quite a while since he last used fingers or toys on himself.

He thrusts his finger in and out to stretch his hole for a bit before adding a second, scissoring himself open and then adding a third finger in quick succession. He has three fingers pumping in and out of himself and Kyungsoo groans at the pressure around his fingers, feeling himself getting closer to the edge. His fingers pick up speed as he opens himself up and Kyungsoo is so, so close but he stops himself from coming too fast, pulling his fingers out and he groans lowly when his ass clenches around nothing.

Kyungsoo picks up the dildo beside him and coats it with enough lube, swiftly bringing it to his ass and pushing the tip in. It’s bigger than his three fingers combined and Kyungsoo holds back his whimpers, slowly pushing the toy in until it’s fully sheathed inside him. The toy is big, bigger than anything he’s used to. He stops moving for a moment to let himself adjust to the size of the toy inside him and he sees Yixing come close with the camera to focus on his hole as it tightens around the dildo. Kyungsoo stays still for a few seconds and then he’s pulling the toy out, slamming it back in and he moans a little too loudly with his head thrown back when he feels it brush against his prostate. He angles it a bit when it’s out and then pushes it back it again roughly, mouth falling open to form an ‘o’ when it hits his prostate dead on, repeating his actions over and over again afterwards and bringing himself closer to his end.

He can hear the whirring of the camera zooming and he chooses to ignore it, focusing on himself. One of his hands comes up to his cock that’s resting on his stomach as he bares himself to the camera, red and leaking. He strokes himself quickly, his other hand still thrusting the toy in and out of himself at a quick pace that the hand around his cock tries to keep up with and Kyungsoo is a moaning mess at the double stimulation, feeling closer to the edge than before. All it takes is a flick of his wrist in a different angle and Kyungsoo’s spilling all over his hand, the hand around the dildo stilling as the toy is halfway inside him. His ass clenches around it as he comes, slowly stroking himself through his orgasm and he stays still as Yixing comes forward and films cum shooting out from his cock.

Kyungsoo’s spent by the time he’s done, bringing his legs down and leaning against the couch tiredly when Yixing turns the camera off. Kyungsoo dares to peek at Yixing’s crotch to see that he’s not affected at all and he frowns. Was his performance not impressive enough?

“Please don’t worry, you did great. I’m just used to it,” Yixing explains when he catches Kyungsoo staring at his crotch.

Kyungsoo’s cheeks colour as he tears his eyes away, sitting up and taking a few pieces of tissue paper that Yixing offers him to clean himself up. He’s sticky all over, and all he wants is a hot shower. He begins to pick up his clothes because suddenly he’s self-conscious again, especially after what he did.

“Shower’s that way,” Yixing says as he points to a door that Kyungsoo hasn’t noticed. “I’ll contact you, for sure.”

Kyungsoo bows as Yixing leaves the room, feeling elated because he takes Yixing’s words as confirmation that he’s got the job.

member: kyungsoo, length: oneshot, rating: nc-17, fandom: exo

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