Title: Blue Pencils
Pairing: Jongdae-centric, slight!Chanyeol/Jongdae
Rating: PG-13
Length: 900w
Summary: Jongdae, Chanyeol, Minseok and Yixing all work for Pixar.
“That’s not how you do it,” Jongdae rolls his eyes as he slaps the back of Chanyeol’s head.
Jongdae revels in the pained yelp that escapes Chanyeol’s head as the latter rubs at the spot Jongdae had hit. He bends down beside Chanyeol and examines the drawings perched on the light box, studying the flow of the first three drawings and then letting out a whine when he realises Chanyeol’s got it all wrong.
“This is going to be stiff as fuck,” Jongdae complains, turning to glare at Chanyeol who tries to smile his way out of it with his perfect set of teeth.
Jongdae takes another piece of animation paper from the stack Chanyeol has beside him and places it on top of the light box, shoving Chanyeol off his seat afterwards and sitting on it himself. He grabs the blue pencil from Chanyeol’s hand and starts to draw on the new piece of paper, roughly sketching in the character and all the key frames Chanyeol needs to have.
“I told you, three key frames at the start, middle, and beginning, and five in-betweens,” Jongdae comments as he draws them in. “And for God’s sake, no T-pose! Richard Williams would be so disappointed.”
Jongdae sets the pencil down and he feels a bit guilty when he turns around to face Chanyeol looking like a puppy who just had his toy bone taken away from him. Jongdae knows it’s one of Chanyeol’s tactics to make him stop commenting on his work but Jongdae has no choice as the Head Animator.
“I’m sorry, baby, but we have standards to keep,” Jongdae says as he cups Chanyeol’s jaw.
Chanyeol whines and Jongdae resists the urge to roll his eyes, instead standing up and leaning forward to give Chanyeol a kiss on his lips. Chanyeol tries to deepen it but Jongdae pulls away, shooting Chanyeol a smirk before he walks away to check on their other two animators.
“Hyung, how are you doing?” Jongdae asks when he stops by the side of Minseok’s table, eyeing the stack of rough yet finished drawings.
“Why don’t you check it yourself?” Minseok asks, playful smile on his face as he grins up at Jongdae, and then standing up to let Jongdae sit down and check his work.
Jongdae smiles and takes the seat, picking up a few pieces of paper and putting his fingers in between the first three. He flips, nodding to himself when he spots no mistakes. He repeats his action until he’s absolutely sure the animation flows smoothly, and then slowly working through the whole stack Minseok has. He points out the occasional small mistakes and Minseok promises to fix them promptly.
“Good job, hyung,” Jongdae comments, giving Minseok’s seat back to him while patting Minseok’s back encouragingly. “I’ll treat you to more coffee.”
“Would appreciate that, thanks!” Minseok calls out as Jongdae walks away.
Jongdae comes to the last table in the room, where Yixing is resting his head on the light box, no paper perched on it and the light switched off with his stationery neatly arranged at the side.
“Yixing hyung,” Jongdae calls, kneading Yixing’s shoulders.
“I’m done with this scene. Let me rest before I start on the next one,” Yixing mumbles, not even lifting his head.
Normally Jongdae would insist on checking his work even if he was sleeping because there’s no other way for him to know if they’re on the right track, but Jongdae had seen the horrible eye bags beneath Yixing’s eyes when he came in this morning and decides to leave Yixing alone to rest for now. He has nothing to worry about, anyway. Yixing is the best out of the three and Yixing himself knows it.
He walks back to his desk, picking up his mug and cringing at the taste of the cold coffee when he brings the mug to his mouth. He makes to head towards the pantry to get himself a fresh mug of coffee when his phone rings and he knows it’s their boss Joonmyun checking on their progress. Jongdae picks it up, assuring Joonmyun that everything is in order and that they would definitely be able to finish on time. He hangs up with the promise to check back in to him at the end of the day.
When Jongdae has to finally put on a suit nearly a year later, he knows that it’s the day. He grabs his belongings and goes to the venue, effectively avoiding reporters as he enters the premiere location by the back. His three team mates are already seated, each playing with their phones and Jongdae shakes his head.
The movie begins shortly after everyone has been seated and Jongdae smiles throughout the movie, watching his flow of the actions and mentally patting himself on his back for a job well done. The film comes out fantastic and Jongdae can’t help but feel proud when Kim Jongdae, Park Chanyeol, Kim Minseok and Zhang Yixing roll out during the credits under the Animation department. There are a lot of other names but only the four stand out to him.
It doesn’t matter even if he’s not the Head Animator, Jongdae thinks as he smiles at his team members. He’s happy as long as he gets to keep working in this industry, and even better if it’s with the three sitting beside him now.