Nov 04, 2004 21:24
AHhh everything is moving so fast lately i never have time to update!!! Wow life is good :)... So halloween: we had the costume dance which was pretty fun! then katie slept over, then on halloween katie and i went shopping and lots of good times went down, then katie eric and alex and insung and i went trick ortreating in hunters glen it was AWESOME times, always is fun to hang out with those guys. Then school, and the campaign craze went down after that, went in once with myf amily to make calls reminding people to vote, then barbara and i definitely impulsively skipped hw on tuesday night to do some last minute calling. The Republican office was packed and our calls made a lot of difference, then we were driving home at like 7:15 and we decided to go to this after party at Meydenbauer center which was not that fun but it was cool that we went since we were like the only underage people pretty much, we only stayed for like 10 minutes though cause we didnt know anyone. BUT GEORGE BUSH WON im ecstatic or to use eric's word 'Elated!'!!!! Yes!! PSHYAH.
yesterday was stressed about hw, (consequences for not doing any the night before), so i skipped some classes to do homework but during choir (skipped) I just talked to Sam pomeroy the whole time which was awesome, i love that kid! until mrs loudenback totally came up and got us in trouble... hehe... but it worked out fine. Then today, history test which was kinda hard but i feel confident, and the OC PREMIERE TONIGHT, def made my day (lol bonnie). it was aweosme ryan and seth came home!!! SO happy. So yeah! im praying for all my friends and by the way everyone is thinking about homecoming already whats up with that its so early??? It makes me paranoid, what if i have to go by myself? oh well it is so early ill deal with it when the time comes :). Love u all, this weekend = homework, soccer play off games for boys and girls, jessies state for crosscountry, my brothers first playoff football game, angie's party if i have time and feeding bristol!!! And hang with katie hopefully, was gonna see raise your voice with Liz and Jessie but it didnt work out cause it only got 1 star and is alreayd out of theaters... interesting... hehe, bye
<3 Gretchen