
Nov 01, 2011 20:03

How does Capitalism influence Chinese traditional values? Wow, that’s a very big topic. To be frank, it is no easier for us Chinese to answer this question than you foreigners who sometimes see China more clearly than us since we suffer from cultural censorship. Anyways, I will try to state out my opinions as clear as possible.

First of all, Chinese people nowadays care more about individualism. We admire characters and versatility much more than patriotism or selflessness. From the bottom of our hearts, we no longer put country first which is what the educational thoughts of Confucian advocates. People become soldiers because they can’t find a job and because they can’t get into the university. Also, families and filial piety are no longer that important. Many children go abroad leaving their parents behind because to them the success and future of themselves are way more crucial.

Second of all, Chinese people now believe more in freedom and equality. In the past, we appreciate order and class since that is what the Confucians say. The mass don’t annoy themselves by asking why they have to be peasants or common people to serve others. They accept that. They work hard to obey the rules. Only a minority of intelligent and ambitious people may scheme revolution to overthrow the upper class. However nowadays, after those agitating years and the period of New Culture Revolution, more and more people wake up. Chinese people now can bravely cry out, if not freedom, equality at least. And they may argue for freedom on the Internet though their voices are often shut down.

Third of all, Chinese people are becoming more and more money-driven. In the past, the majority work for peaceful life. A few may study hard to become officials and to serve the country. All their wish for life is peace and happiness. But nowadays, people study to get employed, and to put it bluntly, for money. People marry for money. Government officials do crime for money. Teachers do part-time jobs for money. Businesses cheat for money. It is all about money.

That is all I can think of. I will add if anything new comes up.
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