Jan 30, 2007 07:16
Sell dad's trailer. Done.
Sell dad's car. Done.
Get movers in after sorting dad's stuff, to pack and move it all. Done.
Unpack stuff and put it in his new apartment at Avamere. Done.
Arrange various medical needs such as motorized wheel-chair and electric hospital bed. Working on it. Mostly done.
Decorate his new apartment. Done.
Change his bank, doctors, pharmacy, and the other aspects of his former life at the coast to St. Helens. Done.
Hold our breath last Saturday when he was finally released from rehab and brought out to the new place? Yes. Would he like it? Would he hate it and be grumpy as he has been in the past?
There are still some challenges, but he likes the place. He "didn't think it would be that nice". What an incredible relief. There is still work to be done and a final trip to the coast this Saturday to give the trailer title to the new owner but that will be the last trip we 'have' to make.
We are exhausted after going out there every night after work and most of the weekends for a week but it's over now except for the ongoing support that dad will need, which is a normal part of being a daughter. He's lost a lot since he fell and broke his hip but I am hopeful that he can get some of what he lost back. The folks at the assisted-living place are great and giving him all the help he needs.
So - if anyone has wondered why I've missed games lately, now you know.
Oh - and on the 19th I turned sixty. My sixth decade of life. No, it doesn't seem real - I don't feel "that old" inside at all - still pretty much as I've been since I left my 20s. But the calendar says it's true and sometimes my knees agree. But doing this thing with dad has been such a distraction I barely saw the milestone go by. And my friends have been great.
That is all.