Got home from the glaciers and snow in summer to end up in the hospital for three days and another two weeks stuck in bed at home (my convalescence made easier by the lovely
txvoodoo). Now that I'm supposed to be better, I'm off to Paraty (waves at
paratti) for a fortnight. No electricity on the island but for a lonely generator. Should be interesting. Those of you who have known me for a while, may remember what happened the last time I was unplugged and to what lengths I went to gain access to the net. I'm older and wiser, so hopefully it will be easier this time around and there will be no wet Chen rowing in the middle of the night in search of a modem.
I've missed the Doctor and am glad to see him back. I liked the Adipose, but I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that Pompeii was brilliant. An episode I'm really looking forward to is The Unicorn and the Wasp - a murder mystery a la Agatha Christie. It's supposed to be a funny one too and this dark Doctor could use a laugh. BTW - seeing Rose again didn't really thrill me, but it boggled the young'un's mind. I got over Rose, didn't warm up to Martha and do get increasingly annoyed by this one. The truth is I like Donna - I'm just not very keen on the casting. One of the reasons I do like Donna is that they seem to be going for a brother/sister dynamic instead of nobody can resist the Doctor. Not a shipper. Sue me.
It really looks like I will be in the UK this summer - G'd willing. Ireland first though. I have friends there and the promise of much needed fun - and I love how my accent changes after a week of the Irish. Hopefully I'll came back by New York and finally see
rusty_halo again.