Okay... after I hardly slept in the night and now with half a bottle coke I feel quite... awake XDD Not for long I fear... but I have to learn some things :/ accounting and operations research *sigh*
BUT!!! Two things were remarkable today :3
1. I'm one of
rotae's minions XDD
It's so cool XDD
2. I got my Clark Kent Smallville poster <3
And that's why I made some photos of my poster wall and puzzled a bit in Photo Impact to show you all my pride XD my posters and pictures XDD my wall looks strange... but in reality it's all white and not grey/blue/something XD
I was so happy, when I came home and the poster waited for me in front of my door =^^= Now I sit at my desk and have to grin all the time I look up to Clark *giggle*
I haven't heard of JenJen yet :/ but I hope she'll be able to come online this evening .__. otherwise I would be bored .__.
But today is "Bones" day =^^= I love this show XDD David Boreanaz is so cute <3
Can anybody explain why I started to fangirly so many actors lately? Tom Welling, David Boreanaz, Christian Bale... I'm such a freak XDD
And today I got McDonald's junk food and I feel so good XDD I haven't eaten much the last days and when I went shopping today I felt like "I want hamburger for lunch" ò.ó
Yeah... sometimes you just need stupid junk food XDD
Okay... that's all for now... I need to start learning ... :/