Okay, first of all: I got back to normal. The last three days helped me a lot to settle down and I'm back in fighting mood ò.ó
Yeah... I haven't managed to get my pre-diploma as one of 34 students out of ~1000 last semester to give up when it looks like a bit of trouble. No. I never gave up and I don't will now.
Yesterday was my free-Friday and so I went to town and treated me with some little things to cheer me :3
- I went to a restaurant (alone) and ate a great meal for lunch
- I bought X-Men 2 on DVD
- I got my three ordered volumes of "Shi Hwa Mong" (Korean comic)
- I bought a magazine with wedding-gowns XDD that was actually funny because the nice lady who sold it to me asked if I'm going to marry soon and I was all like "oh no, I just need it as reference to draw pictures" XDD Awesome dresses .__. If I ever will be able to marry I know what kind of dress I want XD *starts saving money*
Then I ordered Dad's birthday present for next month :3 so that problem is solved as well. And today I watched the season finale of Kyle XY and it was so awesome *____*
When I got up today morning there was no hot water... the water from the hot-water-line was actually colder than the cold water XDD around 2PM we got it back ^^; but I will never ever wash my hair under ice cold water again ^^"" but I had to... I had temperature at night again (at least no chills) from my syringe... but yeah, at least we got it back ^^"
Then I wrote a mail to Steven E. Gordon (the guy who designed the X-Men: Evo Characters) because I ordered his book a month ago and it didn't got here yet... I was so nervous XD write a mail to your idol... ^^" but he replied so fast and so kind and was so sorry that he had no time to ship it yet and he will do it asap and :) XD Nice mails can make you so happy, can't they?
I even managed to start my tax exercises for next week *w00t* So I hope to finish them tomorrow because this time we have to hand them in on Tuesday instead of Thursday.
Then I played Flyff - this game is so much fun - and reached level 22 :D then I drew a little bit and yeah, now I'm watching "Tomb Raider 2" XDDD
But I'm really fine again and I like myself again ^^" It's really strange when you feel all depressed and start to dislike the whole world :/
Oh and I found a meme over at
peaches' journal :3
Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid
1 - Diagnosis: Murder
2 - The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams
3 - Princess Sarah
4 - Lady Oscar
5 - Columbo
Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would...Well, It's Self-Explanatory
1 - Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights)
2 - Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
3 - Angel... well only date, he's too dangerous otherwise o__O"
4 - Seely Booth (Bones)
5 - Clark Kent (Smallville)
What? No, No, I Don't Watch That...: 5 Guilty Pleasure TV Shows
1 - Genial Daneben
2 - RTL Exclusiv <-- yeah XD
3 - Traumschiff (I hear all my German flisties gasp XD)
4 -
5 -
Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won't Forget)
1 - Angel singing karaoke (Angel)
2 - Chloe kissing Clark, thinking it's the world's end and she's nothing to lose (Smallville)
3 - Sam losing he shoe (Supernatural)
4 - Tim playing with baby Gracie *___* (Friday Night Lights)
5 - Dean and his "son" (Supernatural)
"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs": 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart
1 - I'll be there for you - Friends
2 - I don't want to be - One Tree Hill
3 - Save Me - Smallville
4 - Theme Song - Angel
5 - It's a Jungle Out There - Monk
Eh: 5 Shows You Just Can't Get Into DON'T WANT TO WATCH AT ALL
1 - Grey's Anatomy
2 - Prison Break
3 - Scrubs
4 - Stromberg (German show)
5 - Without a Trace
The Starting Line-Up: 5 Channels You Go To First When You Sit Down to Watch TV
1 - RTL
2 - Pro 7
3 - Vox
4 - ZDF
5 - ARD
This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out Of Here: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without
1 - Lyla (Friday Night Lights)
2 - Connor (Angel)
3 - Lana (Smallville)
4 - Bela (Supernatural)
5 - Camille Saroyan (Bones)
That's What She Said: 5 Quotes That Still Resonate
1 - "It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big." (Spike - Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
2 - "I need subtitles when I come in here." (Booth - Bones) - XD I thought the same
3 - "Well, maybe it's my decision. Well, maybe I don't need your money. Wait. I said maybe." (Rachel - Friends)
4 - "Sam: So burning the body didn't do anything?
Dean: sure it did, now it's pissed." (Supernatural)
5 - "The kind of pregnant when you have a baby?" (Coach Taylor - FNL) - he's just so cute ♥
Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of
1 - Friday Night Lights
2 - One Tree Hill
3 - Angel
4 - Avatar
5 - Supernatural (when it's not too gory)