Take into consideration that the people at the deciding end of a scholarship really know absolutely nothing about you. They have never sat in an orchestra or a band WITH you. They don't know the passion you have, they don't know the talent you have. More importantly, they don't know anything about the amazing person that you are. But they have to make some sort of decision about who gets the scholarship. Do they always choose the person who deserved it most? Of course not. I know it's disappointing. Rejection is ugly. But don't you DARE let it get you down. "It would have possibly saved my spiraling into musical mediocrity." - No, it wouldn't have. YOU are the only thing that will stop you from spiraling into musical mediocrity. You are incredibly talented. Don't let it go to waste unless you're absolutely sure you want to. You will end up regretting it. Remember, you're a sophomore in high school - you have TONS of chances. You've probably heard a million times how Michael Jordan got cut from his 10th grade basketball team. I hate that story, but I mean, look where he ended up. Right now, this is your chance to say, "Fuck you, fine arts scholarship people," and push yourself to new musical heights. Exceed any expectations anyone has had for you. Exceed your own expectations. I've never doubted your musical ability for one second, and neither should you. "I guess I wanted to get something not cuz of the $, but rather for the recognition that would encourage me, that would say "you can do this, we believe in you."" - Screw that. You can do this, Z. I believe in you. ~Danielle
I know it's disappointing. Rejection is ugly. But don't you DARE let it get you down. "It would have possibly saved my spiraling into musical mediocrity." - No, it wouldn't have. YOU are the only thing that will stop you from spiraling into musical mediocrity. You are incredibly talented. Don't let it go to waste unless you're absolutely sure you want to. You will end up regretting it.
Remember, you're a sophomore in high school - you have TONS of chances. You've probably heard a million times how Michael Jordan got cut from his 10th grade basketball team. I hate that story, but I mean, look where he ended up. Right now, this is your chance to say, "Fuck you, fine arts scholarship people," and push yourself to new musical heights. Exceed any expectations anyone has had for you. Exceed your own expectations. I've never doubted your musical ability for one second, and neither should you.
"I guess I wanted to get something not cuz of the $, but rather for the recognition that would encourage me, that would say "you can do this, we believe in you."" - Screw that. You can do this, Z. I believe in you.
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