[The Gear turns on, and Wally's voice is a little soft, like someone talking on speaker phone, but is easily audible regardless.]
Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first thrilling episode of Chemistry With Kid Flash (that's me)! Today I-[an indignant Ele from Wally Jr.]-we will be, uh, re-recreating the most amazing experiment you'll
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[Oh my god, and he thought Ken was an idiot.]
Kid? You did say you've done this before, right? So I can assume you're not dead and get on with my life?
[Just. Wow.]
And this is a common occurrence in your family?
[Shrug.] Guess you could say that. My uncle certainly wasn't pleased when he found out I'd copied his experiment-which was already a copy, so he wasn't exactly one to talk.
[He leans against his palm.]
Aah. The old 'do as I say, not as I do?' Might have had something to do with playing the odds. I'd assume people can only survive that kind of nonsense so many times.
You're quite the lucky idiot.
The odds were pretty high, I calculated them myself. I wouldn't have done it then or now if I thought it'd kill me. Besides, I had to improvise this time, so it wasn't nearly as dangerous as last time-the explosion could have been much worse.
So not all of your priorities are skewed.
[Businesslike once again.]
So. Blowing yourself up for superpowers--you're talking the whole nine yards, right? Faster than speeding bullets, flying, all that?
I rather hope you've found those friends of yours by now. [Yet...]
How long 'til you have your results?
[He looks vaguely insulted, but then it's on to bragging.] Hey, I'm not Superman. I've only got speed. But I'm fast. Faster than ten bullets combined and then some.
And I should know in about a week. Then getting the rest of the way to Mahogany will be a breeze.
[Smirks slightly. He's... kind of going to be a bit mean.]
Wouldn't combining the ten bullets make them heavier--thus also, slower? Either way, overspecialization isn't always the best way to win a fight.
This friend who isn't your first choice is going with you, isn't she? So that cooler heads might have a chance of prevailing?
I meant their velocities combined, but if you want a real number, my max speed is probably somewhere around 335,541,920.5 miles per hour. But I'd need a ton of fuel to even think about running that fast. On a regular basis, I maybe hit Mach 5.
[Did he just roll his eyes? Perhaps.] Yeah, she'll insist whether I like it or not.
I never learned how to convert miles back to kilometers, but Mach 5 is, indeed, impressive.
[...and he's just going to... well, he's seen superpowers before but. This idea that anyone could try a chemical experiment and end up with a few is a bit creepy. Human nature being what it is and all...]
Does she have superpowers? From a family chemical accident that should, by all rights, have killed her--or otherwise?
[Yeah, he just doesn't like the idea of powers. They seem to make people arrogant... not that he's really one to talk, but hey.]
How many 'what a fantastic idea, you're brilliant' responses have you gotten?
[He will buy you a drink if it's a positive number.]
... Sarcastically or non-sarcastically?
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