I am upset about
http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-perkins-wsj-letter-2014-1, because so much focus has been on the ludicrous self-pity of this scoundrel, when IMO far worse is that the Wall Street Journal condoned (by publishing it) the analogy of Jews persecuted by Nazis to an ultrawealthy elite.
Um, that bogus analogy is why the Nazis wanted
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Nope. They *glory* in being jerks, the bigger the better.
Who's the preeminant country today? China. Do you remember what China was doing about forty years ago?
Massacreing their elites. Doesn't seem to have hurt them much, has it?
And our own Wall Street assholes know perfectly well that they are just as expendable. Their whole strategy is based on being scary enough that nobody calls their bluff, because if they were in *our* position, they'd kill them without thought or hesitation.
As it happens, very few of us really want that. We want to take their *power* away, and see that it's either nullfied or used responsibly. They themselves -- ehh. Remove their money and take back what they've stolen, and give them an incentive to wish for the wellbeing of their civilization by having 'em live on the same distribution everyone else gets, and let 'em do what they feel like.
But that would mean they are *unimportant*. And their egos wouldn't be able to take that; they'd much rather have the Drama Of The Revolution. Which will probably piss people off so much they end up with deaths like Hussein's, rather than government health-care, a pension, and an apartment. But, hey, their call.
Check out http://zyalt.livejournal.com/984735.html for some current uncensored news on the subject, if you like.
I don't think they'd listen to it coming from us, but a sufficiently prestigious rabbi might be able to get their attention.
I stopped expecting anything I could justifiably call journalism from them decades ago; it's hard for me to concentrate on figuring out any intent they might have beyond selling newspapers.
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