Jul 31, 2011 04:24
Sometimes I forget how blonde my hair is. I religiously smother my golden, baby-blonde roots with dark dye, but sometimes I wonder what it would look and feel like to let it all grow out and have long, wheat-colored, wavy locks again. I wonder if I would feel like a different person.
I've been reading some mass media theory/propaganda literature lately, just for fun. It's amazing how easy it is to conveniently forget truths when you're not in school or otherwise actively seeking out this information. I have to always remind myself that I'm constantly being brainwashed. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Don't believe anything you see, nothing is accidental. We're all zombies, and media is a powerful weapon of control and propaganda.
I frequently find myself in a moral dilemma. I'm interested in art and design, but I'm most interested in and drawn to functional art/design rather than art for art's sake. Though I can absolutely appreciate art for art's sake, I'm too practical and utilitarian to allow myself to become lost in the Utopian ideal of Art. Art and design are incredibly powerful tools, and essential for functionality, sense, and beauty in the world. I'm more interested in problem-solving design. Unfortunately, so many designers tend to go into advertising, I guess because that's where the most jobs are. I can't imagine going into advertising or marketing, though I think I would be really well-suited for it and it would be a really easy/natural path for me to take.
So what are the other paths to take? Independent media firms? Start my own? I'm really interested in commercial book design, and Phaidon is still putting out interesting works, such as pieces by Irma Boom - someone by whom I'm very inspired. I do wonder if all the digital hype is making this a pathetic field to try to advance in, though. Information will always need to be packaged, and if books go digital someone will still have to make the digital files to be delivered via e-reader. We can even use these new advances in technology to create more interesting user experiences. Embrace the future of media, but keep a foot in the past as well.
Why is it so difficult to try to be successful and make money but still have a conscience? I think I've just been thinking too much. New York is really beautiful. Manhattan, though at times boorish, loud, and garish, is still beautiful in its own way. The city truly never sleeps, and you can feel the buzzing energy wherever you go. Anything is available at your fingertips at any time, and even the richest people don't own cars. Brooklyn is beautiful too, and I've been spending more of my time there than in my own neighborhood. I feel sort of strange, out of place, and isolated in my neighborhood in Manhattan, which was a fear I had before choosing this apartment. I'm trying to be open-minded, but I just can't see the good in the tucked in, collared-tee 20 something year old Wall Street babies roaming the street going from one big, bright, loud happy hour to the next. Finding an apartment was incredibly difficult, though, especially when I was living in SF, so I settled this year. As Eric said, "Don't think of it as the perfect apartment, but the first of many."
Friday has settled surprisingly well. I've really put him through the ringer but he's acting completely at ease and comfortable in our new spot. Good sign.