Jul 22, 2006 09:48
Comcast finally came to fix the internet, which was interesting because Kristin was the one spearheading the movement to get us internet at the appartment. I mean, honestly, as long as I have internet at work, I can still check email, weather, news, and that's really all I need. Whatever, this works too, and I'm really not going to complain.
In other news, work is actually going well consistantly for the first time in 8 weeks. Weird. It's actually been really good, but SO much work. There's this added level of intensity, so suddenly I'm running 7 reactions a day as well as working up all the previous reactions, preparing a presentation for the end of the semester, attending seminars, etc, etc... Yeah, it's been busy. But very good. I can't believe I only have 4 weeks left! There is way more to do in the next four weekd than I'd like, but I'm going to get it.
Let's see, next weekend I'm going down (see, Meg, I know where NY is geographically from Boston now. Although, it was hilarious, I was talking with my mom, and she had no idea where Boston was in MA.) down to New York City! Jane, Dave and I are hopping on the Chinatown bus and then are taking in the city. And then, theoretically, I'm going down the weekend after with Meg to go visit Zane (yay yay yay!). Only, that would involve me actually talking with Zane, which hasn't happened. I've left messages, the whole shebang.
Zane!! If you can hear me, call me!! I want to visit you!!
So yeah, good times. =]