A fan of good theology?

May 18, 2006 01:07

So I was asked the other night if I am "Reformed."  This was rather unusual, since, well, I didn't even really grow up in a denomination, per se, much less a Reformed one.  I thought about the question, though, and decided that the answer is "yes," though I don't think it really reflects any radical shifts in my views from the time not so long ago when I had no idea what "Reformed" meant.

I posted a while back that I don't like the way theological words get turned into buzzwords and unnecessarily divisive topics; this is still true.  So if you just put a thing like "Predestination" out on the table, it pushes some bad buttons and, the way most people mean it, even I really couldn't agree with it.  But, when explained well, it's pretty much what I've believed all along, that God has laid out our steps and chosen people before we were born.  The mysteries of God are awesome to think about, and I've never really had a problem reconciling the things about God that don't make sense immediately on the surface.  If things about God were plain to understand at first glance, he wouldn't be much of a God.  :-)

I really am a walking contradiction, though, it's kinda funny:
  I'm not culturally "Reformed" at all, nor do I have any problems with currently attending a somewhat-charismatic worship-flag-waving t-shirt-wearing-on-a-Sunday church here in Pasadena.

I'm happy singing hymns or worship choruses and like it best when, say, it's a hymn done by the Supertones or Five Iron Frenzy (Nate Young's rocking version of "Crown Him with Many Crowns" comes to mind, for instance).

Similarly, I'm a fan of both Korean-style and contemplative prayer (though here, it's good not to combine them) but really, I have my best time of prayer just in the shower each morning, chatting with God.

I believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, and that it is how God intended for us to learn about Him, and see His love for us clearly laid out; and yet, I don't really care whether your Bible does or does not have an Apocrypha, and, if it weren't for the fact that C.S. Lewis didn't claim to be an apostle, I wouldn't really have a problem with Canonizing some of his stuff.  :-)  Also, what's up with James?  And going further out on a limb, can I add that I'm really happy that Song of Songs is in there?  God is awesome.

I believe there's no conflict between "saved by faith" and "saved by works."  Stupidest 2000-year-old misunderstanding ever.

I believe in the Trinity, including God the Father, but I don't really have a huge problem if people don't capitalize "he" when referring to Him... and I don't have a huge problem if people throw a "she" in there every now and then.  God is a male in the same way that nacho cheese is "cheese" - to make it easier to describe something that would otherwise be pretty indescribable.  (Nota Bene:  Jesus was male, so a "He" is quite appropriate there.)  Just so we're clear.  :-)

I believe it's possible to be TOO focused on hearing from God, and discerning His will for our lives.  Sometimes one has to just trust that He's got things under control, and that we don't need answers right away, we don't need to find our calling right away, and we don't need to worry about making mistakes along the way.  This is on this list as a paradox of mine only because I totally obsess about His plan for my life all the time.  :-)

Lastly, while we're on the subject of quirky things I believe... in the words of my "current music":

"I tell you the truth when I say that the Kingdom is on the way, on the way
I tell you the truth when I say that the Kingdom is here today, here today

It's on the way, the date is set
It's here today, but not here yet
Can almost hear, can almost see
A banner caught upon the breeze -
Upon it is a Lion...

It's getting closer
To fulfillment
But the kingdom began with the Advent
He is reigning through his people
The first will be nothing compared to the sequel

No more war, no more crime, no more unemployment line!
And there is Christ upon His seat
Where mercy, truth and justice meet
And He will never falter...

I tell you the truth when I say that the kingdom is on the way, on the way
I tell you the truth when I say that the kingdom is here today, here today
Christ reigns now, and don't forget, that the kingdom is not yet!

And with one voice, we all will sing
(Yeah yeah yeah)
To the Prince of peace and King of kings
(Yeah yeah yeah)
His reign is everlasting
(Yeah yeah yeah)"

So that about sums up my beliefs re: Pre- or Post- millenialism.  :-)

And I'm off to bed.
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