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laura47 November 16 2009, 00:59:47 UTC
Location Boston, MA
How long have you been a trekkie? literally as long as I can remember
Favourite ST series? Next Gen and DS9 fight it out in my heart
Favourite ST movie? the latest!
Favourite character(s)? Oh gods... Picard, Data, Jadzia, B'Elanna, Kira, Odo, everyone in the new movie...
Other fandoms? Glee, Dexter, Leverage, BSG, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Buffy, Farscape, Friday Night Lights, Merlin, Top Chef, House, Lost, Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Read Or Die, Princess Tutu, Firefly, D.E.B.S., Mad Men (Just Starting: How I Met Your Mother, Being Human, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.) Books: Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga
Anything else? I'm doing yuletide and festivids, so expect a lot of that in my journal for the next 2 months. :-) i just graduated from MIT with a degree in Comparative Media Studies and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life. I'm really into live action and tabletop gaming, I'm starting to learn to make jewelry, and I love cooking!
I'm a doctor not a ... demon-possessed former hero from a previous video game!


meiou_set November 16 2009, 01:09:20 UTC
Wow, we have lots in common. Reboot is my fave Trek movie :D I also love Dexter (I don't have enough friends into Dexter, it's sad), Mad Men, SCC, Utena (the movie particularly blew my mind), Bowie and Tori Amos (I did stalk your journal ;)). Anyway you sound interesting and fun--friends?


laura47 November 16 2009, 01:55:25 UTC
that is a lot in common!

man, the Utena movie, it just... it blows my mind too much, you know? :)


meiou_set November 16 2009, 01:56:48 UTC
LOL. The car. It's got to be that damn Akio car. XD


laura47 November 16 2009, 02:11:54 UTC
faaaanservice car!


les342 November 16 2009, 01:35:06 UTC
Dexter? Did you say Dexter? I love that show!! Mind if I friend you?


laura47 November 16 2009, 01:54:07 UTC
sure, go ahead!


chiralove November 16 2009, 01:56:20 UTC
Oooh hey, Boston! Isn't it awesome that we had an official Leonard Nimoy day? We're totally way cool, y/y? :D


laura47 November 16 2009, 02:11:02 UTC
y/y indeed!


_profiterole_ November 16 2009, 16:43:14 UTC
Oh, we have lots in common:
Torchwood, Doctor Who, Buffy, Friday Night Lights (I'm just starting), Merlin, Lost, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Firefly, Dresden Files (TV series), Lois McMaster Bujold's ETHAN OF ATHOS ♥♥♥


laura47 November 17 2009, 12:57:47 UTC

my lj book group is discussing bujold right now! http://community.livejournal.com/scifibookqueue/6663.html


_profiterole_ November 17 2009, 14:29:09 UTC
Ha ha! I fail because Ethan of Athos is the only one I've read, so I can't join in the fun. Ethan/Terrence FTW! ♥


laura47 November 17 2009, 14:34:54 UTC
she's awesome, you should read more. :-)


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