Today started early, in the same manner as yesterday with a room inspection by the first sergeant from the battery who's barracks I'm staying in. Since yesterday was Crosby's birthday, I ended up drinking until about 12, and I didn't get home until almost 1.
(Kinoo Crosubi-san no tanjoobi dattara Juu ni ji made nonde ichi ji made kaerimashita.)
We did PT at the gym today and I mostly chilled with Hernandez. After PT, I skipped breakfast and napped for a little until I went to my first military memorial at 9:30.
That lasted for about an hour and by the time we were done, it was almost lunch, so I went to the chow hall and ate lunch - fajitas made on the skillet. Lunch was delicious, but the line was long and slow.
Now I'm at the motor pool waiting for vehicles to be dispatched so that we can go out to tobin wells yet once again and get some more stuff. Supposedly we're getting everything from there today, even if we have to stay late, so hopefully things start rolling soon!
Tomorrow is another room inspection. I don't know why we have all these going on, but it's becoming annoying...