Scott Allie talks about the news:

Jan 07, 2010 00:30

Gerard remains wrapped up with MCR's new record -- finishing recording and doing publicity for it even before a title has been announced -- so we're not yet making progress on the new Umbrella series or Killjoys, although he hopes to start writing comics again any day. We had a great talk the other night. I was shopping for a frame for a painting Scott Morse did of Spider-Man for my son, Sid, when Gerard called. Jon Rivera, the cartoonist who does the Umbrella Myspace page, had emailed Gerard to tell him about an earthquake in a resort area of Brazil. Gabriel was vacationing around the holidays, and Gerard got worried.

I was struggling with the automatic checkout on a Saturday evening while talking on my iPhone, so I had no quick way to check about the Twins and Brazil -- I'm not very good at online research anyway, so I probably would have been equally useless at home in front of my laptop. But I do get good ideas sometimes, so I told Gerard to check Ba and Moon's Twitter feed. Lynz did it while we talked, and she said Fabio had just written "This year is going to be a blast" -- so we decided probably he and his brother were okay. Thank the &%#$in' Lord. 2009 was a rough enough year. Check out the Twins' latest work on Daytrippers, their series at DC Comics, where they're joined by Umbrella colorist Dave Stewart.

Gerard and I spent the rest of the phone call talking about the My Chem record he's working on -- they're going deeper and deeper into an idea, and as much as I wish he was back on the comics, he's got a tiger by the tail. This band thing might really be going somewhere . . .

We also talked about the Umbrella movie, which is proceeding. Gerard's been pretty hands on with the screenplay, which is in great shape now, thanks to our excellent writer, Mark Bomback. We're getting interest from directors, and once someone's hired, this movie's happening.

But soon, very soon, we're gonna start work in earnest on Killjoys. Shaun Simon and Becky Cloonan are ready to roll. And Gabriel is asking questions to start shaping up his schedule for the year. Hopefully I'll have some more news for you next month-


misc, period: danger days

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