Gerard interview from Prague

Jul 06, 2007 17:31

Hi guys,
there is an interview with Gerard in the Czech magazine called Rock Report. Generally, nothing new, but I thought I´d share...

When I was at your show in Vienna, you were offered a marriage by one of your fans. Does this happen to you often?
G: You saw us in Vienna? Great! Well, this doesn´t happen to me as often as it may seem.
What was the wierdest thing that was offered to you?
G: A fan once brought a wooden stake and wanted me to sign it.
What would you do if you weren´t a musician?
G: I guess I would be an artist anyway. A painter, for example.
What is your education?
G: I studied a university. I am a bachelor of art.
There is a theme of death in many of your songs, so what does death mean to you?
G: I like the idea that it is not an end, but a beginning. Of course, something ends, but something new starts as well. That´s why the very first song of our last record is called The End.
Can you reveal something like a main theme of your songs? Something that is always in your mind when you are writting?
G: Hope. Our songs are about hope and however dark they may seem, there is always hope in them. As in life. There is always hope that you will get out of troubles, to change something.
Do you work fine being a lot of time together?
G: Sure, we get along with one another very well. The band is just like a family for us.
If somebody offered you a fourteen-day holiday anywhere you want, where would you go?
G: I would go home. We have got around a half of the world, seen various places, but being off for such a long time, you want to go home. Maybe I would go to California. I don´t live there, but it´s a great place.
Do you believe in karma?
G: Not quite in the religious sense. Reincarnation and stuff like that. I just believe that bad things happen to bad people and I try to live up to that.
Dogs or cats?
G: Unfortunately, I am allergic to cats, so dogs only.
Blonds, red-haired women, or brunettes?
G: Hmm... Brunettes, definitely brunettes.

Also, there is an interview with Gerard (surprisingly) on the Czech microsite, just go to and click on "starší rozhovor s kapelou" (in the middle of the page), which means older interview with the band. I believe it was done in Hamburg in April. Quite interesting, so check it out!


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