Today was amazing.

May 23, 2009 22:36

Today, I had a picnic with my best friends. We had a blast! I loved it.
We played around a lot with each other and it was hilarious.
We had a lot of fun getting each other soaked with water.
I think the best part was when everyone was just together, enjoying ourselves.
We had the picnic because I'm going to be moving soon and I wanted to see all my friends together.
I'm really going to miss them. It's hard knowing I won't be with them.
But yeah, back to the original topic, it was so much fun.
We ate sandwiches, thanks to my mom.
The rest of the time we sort of were in our own little crews, guys with guys, girls with girls, some guys with some girls.
It was pretty cold at one point. We were all huddling up to get warm. haha
I didn't want to go home but I had to.
There wasn't any big drama, with was the best.

It was an amazing day with my best friends.

I love them.
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