
Feb 21, 2010 14:05

Maybe I'm just in a sensitive mood. The parents were here a week or so ago and that went about as expected, maybe a little worse.

Actually, it went a lot worse. I haven't spoken to them at all since they left. I think I might have to move as well, since this place more or less belongs to them and they more or less like to pull that card a lot. More or less.

I'm considering a career change to Target. I think that could be fun by comparison to what I'm doing now, which is spending 9 hours of a day in a stuffy office building cubicle with no windows and a lot of bosses who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. At least I might have more of a chance of upward mobility, but more importantly, I'd have time and energy to focus on things that matter to me.

Unfortunately there's a test for employment at Target known as the drug test. I will not pass in my current state.

Anyway, I think I'm in a sensitive mood because of family issues, a hangover, and the fact that I went to FB today and saw it was some one's birthday recently. This particular some one was the first boy in my immediate life I fantasized about.

He's still so incredibly attractive, too. Wow, I am sad and pathetic today.


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