Seriously infected

Oct 21, 2008 14:39

GPCRS span the cell membrane and characteristically have 7 transmembrane segments (see structure of ß-adrenergic receptor or rhodopsin). The extracellular portion has the binding site for the chemical messenger - there are very many genes for the myriad of receptors for differenc chemicals (5% or more of the genome)

And u know what the sad thing is? 
This makes me happy . . .


Oh,,, I just came back from the best Physiology lecture ever, it was so fascinating. ST and Sid almost fell asleep (ew ew physicists :P ;)) hehe. We're going to do enzymes next week in Cells lectures. oh my god. :D

Ok.. back to normal stuff...
The electricity went out yesterday evening, so we weren't really able to study hohoho. Except from the staircase, where the emergency lights were still on. So the desperate ones sat out on the staircase with all their big books and studied. THank GOD, the basement, where I live only has 2 rooms, so it's not that "ciki" if u sit out the corridor and do work :D haha. But the funny thing is, the moment we got back electricity, no one wanted to do work :P and played around until 2am.. gosh. By the time it comes to Christmas, I will be a Zombie!!

electricity, biology, fun

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