A couple things:
On Harry Potter, Spoilers, and the Wheel of Time
So we all know book 7 comes out on Friday night. I will be obtaining my copy from Coles on Saturday in Ottawa and then proceeding to read it as fast as possible before the spoilers from the internet get me. Which makes me sad.
Book 13 of the Wheel of Time series will be out eventually (I hope) it will be longer than Harry Potter, and I have invested far more time and love into that series. It brings me great joy that I can consume what I hope will be a fantastic read at my own pace, in my own time and savour bits without having to worry about the internet ruining it for me. Let's face it, although the series is very popular with fantasy geeks, no one else cares.
I would like to be able to take the time to read book 7 of HP at my pace without worries about spoilers. A radio station in Ottawa is reading the last page tomorrow on air. My older sister has already offered me a copy of half of the book. So I would like to make one thing veryvery clear:
If you ruin book 7 for me I will see to your murder, but if you ruin book 13 for me I will personally see to the murder of you and your entire family.
I love reading and I read fast. I hate to read books in a series out of order, and I hate seeing the last page first.
On Harry Potter's Ending
Let me be the first to say that I am indeed looking forward to the last book of Harry Potter. I fear though, that there is no way that the books can end without being cliche. If Harry dies then he is a standard martyred hero, if he lives then the book will have to end with 'and they lived happily ever after fighting off any other evil that dared to raise it's head blahblah blah Opal pukes'.
The prophecy explicitly states one of them must die.
Frankly I'm hoping it's Harry... (after killing Volde-y) cause that's the less cliche of the two. She really wrote herself into a corner on that one. Kinda like Jordan with Rand in Wheel of Time... You just know he's going to die saving the world... and you kinda think Matt will die with him if not Perrin as well.
On classes, volunteering, clubs, jobs.... school in general
Monday: 8:30-9:30 AFM 101 - Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management
9:30-10:30 CHEM 413 - Special Topics in X-Ray Spectroscopy
1:30-5:30 CHEM 340L/340L Tutorial - Gaussian Lab
Tuesday: No classes... I intend this day to be my day to do my thesis work
Wednesday: 8:30-9:30 AFM 101 - Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management
9:30-10:30 CHEM 413 - Special Topics in X-Ray Spectroscopy
Thursday: 2:30-5:30 CHEM 237L - Introduction to Biochemistry Lab
7:00-10:00 ECON 101 - Introduction to Microeconomics
Friday: 8:30-9:30 AFM 101 - Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management
9:30-10:30 CHEM 413 - Special Topics in X-Ray Spectroscopy
10:30-11:30 AFM 101 Tutorial
I am also taking Chem 237 - Introduction to Biochemistry by distance education, which means I will either have the exam on my birthday or the night the Golden Compass (movie version) comes out. Which saddens me. I am hoping to TA Chem 209 again which will be Friday 2:30-5:30.
I am co-President of Chem Club, hoping to do an office hour for SSHT and I will be doing various things for SciSoc (since I will be on the board anyways due to my presidency)...I'd like to do something for GLOW and for Women's Center but we shall see about that. Insanity is only a little sexy.
I'd also like to get a job with either the library or Chapter's but like I said insanity is little on the sexy side.
Really really excited for living with
another_zek and rando girl. I predict many house orgies.... to which Angie and Peter will of course be invited.
Ajae has a gigantic penis and I have awesome boobs according to Ajae
More quoting from The Shadow of the Wind
meh I'll do it later