fair weather feeling

Dec 19, 2005 02:24

snow makes me sad but it also makes me feel quiet and safe. i'm always strangely contemplative when it snows, i think about the same things i normally do but for some reason when it snows i think about things different...or differently (i watched Playing by Heart last night)
speaking of last night i got to go see Laurie before she took off to Philly. I hadn't seen her in at least two years which we both felt bad about but we fell right back into being old friends which was nice. i wish her all the best, i know she'll do great no matter where she is, thats just the kind of girl Laurie is. have fun bad mouse, we'll miss you.
i really do not want to go to work tomorrow but if i didn't all i would do is bum around the house which isn't any more satisfying than work and it doesn't pay any money. i need to get out more, do more things to keep busy but money is tight and things are stressed. i just hope i can break myself out of this rut soon, i get very tired and frustrated when i feel like my life is growing stagnant. i guess if you know whats going on with me you'd just think i was talking about getting a new girlfriend and i suppose thats part of it but i really just want some changes. i'll have to put some serious thought into what i want right now and make some changes happen, i tend to just take change as it comes but sometimes i need to get off my ass and change some things on my own. this must be one of those times, we'll see if i actually get anything done.

its late and i'm finally feeling the edges of sleep creep up on me so i think i'll go lay down and listen to the snow fall for a while. the lack of sound that comes from the hush of snow is one of my favorite things to (not) hear.
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